Textile industry in need of wastewater reuse

Textile industry in need of wastewater reuse

According to a report published in 2019 by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), 67% of textile industries are polluting. Maharashtra has the highest number of polluted rivers in the country.



About 67% of
textile industries are polluting in Maharashtra, which has the highest number
of polluted rivers in the country, as per a report published in 2019 by the
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB). A lot of policy recommendations
have been offered by the Centre for Responsible Business and The ReFashion Hub
to promote wastewater reuse and water stewardship so that the issue of water
contamination and scarcity can be addressed.

Stewardship and YWater have together launched a nationwide campaign to raise
awareness regarding wastewater reuse in the textile industry in the
state.  According to MPCB, 20 textile
units are under the two-star category and 23 units are under one-star category.
Here one star is indicative of high pollution and non-compliance.

According to
Devyani Hari, Director Programmes, CRB, the water crisis in the state is of
serious concern due to which a lot of water sector reforms and programs have
been initiated.  These reforms aim to
adopt a multi-sector approach to better manage water where the river basin acts
as the development unit. She also said that the water users in the agriculture
sector and from multiple industrial sectors can determine prices. The current
situation is that it is mandatory for the industries that are located in
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation’s (MIDC) areas to recycle up to
50% of their water consumption, she said.

Source – The Hitavada

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