LMW creates winning ecosystem
LMW is not just a business house, they really care for their customers. They have the widest and most comprehensive range of spinning machines suitable for a variety of applications says, G Soundararajan, Managing Partner, Soundar Textiles.
Lakshmi Machine Works (LMW), is a global engineering firm based in Coimbatore in India, and is renowned for providing pioneering solutions in textile machinery, machine tools, foundries, and advanced technology domains.
A culture of collaborative growth
Textile Machinery Division of LMW (LMW-TMD) has consistently focused on working closely with customers and coming out with innovations that add value to customers across applications. This has helped LMW-TMD create a mutually enriching and fulfilling relationship with its customers. LMW is acknowledged by customers as an organization which has contributed tremendously to the growth of various spinning clusters and ecosystem within India and globally as well.
One such success story where both the customer as well as LMW-TMD benefitted tremendously from this collaborative culture relates to Soundar Textiles.

Soundar Textiles, established over 5 decades ago is a fast-growing spinning mill located at Coimbatore in India.
Soundar Textiles is currently run by the second-generation entrepreneurs comprising G Soundararajan, G Venkatesan and G Uma with the third generation R Janarthan Balaji & S Sidharth playing a key role in management.
An era of growth partnering with LMW
Since inception, Soundar Textiles banked on spinning machinery from LMW-TMD for growth and successfully achieved significant milestones which include:
- Expansion to 2000 spindles in 1985 followed by expansion to 5872 spindles in the year 1995.
- In the year 1999, Soundar Textiles became the first spinning mill to install G5/1R along with purchasing latest carding and blow-room machines from LMW.
- In the year 2003, Soundar Textiles raised their spindle count to 12,000 and doubled the same by 2008.
- In 2014, they introduced Card LC 300A V4 which significantly improved conti-feed resulting in a production efficiency of 95%.
Under the dynamic leadership of its current G Soundararajan, Managing Partner, Soundar Textiles, has today grown to 56,000 spindles and is working on further capacity addition.
A symbiotic relationship
Soundararajan, a hands-on entrepreneur who is technically highly competent has always believed in a collaborative approach with LMW. He has always been an early adopter of the latest machines introduced by LMW-TMD and personally monitors their working to give valuable technical feedback to LMW to make the machines better.
LMW-TMD has always welcomed such constructive feedback with topmost priority and worked pro-actively to ensure superior value delivery to customers.
Inputs from Soundararajan over the years have helped LMW consistently improve reliability of new products and solutions.
One such solution that benefitted from this collaborative working with Soundararajan and Soundar Textiles is Compact spinning solution.
Contributions to Compact Spinning Solution
- The collaborative working between LMW and Soundararajan went a long way in establishing and stabilising the then newly launched Compact Spinning Solution.
- His Inputs helped launch a new compact spinning solution designed specifically for low spindlage spinners.
A collaborative approach benefiting an entire spinning segment
Small and medium spinners have very unique needs and constraints.
Soundararajan used his considerable domain and application expertise to help LMW understand the needs of small spinners like the need to run machine on LT connections in detail. This and similar inputs helped LMW’s R&D team create and successfully launch small-mills specific compact system which has hugely benefitted this category of spinners.
LMW, the trusted partner
So, what makes LMW the most trusted partner to spinning mills since last 6 decades? To quote G Soundararajan, Managing Partner, Soundar Textiles , “LMW is not just a business house… They really care for their customers. They have the widest and most comprehensive range of spinning machines suitable for a variety of applications.
LMW machines have very high endurance and are competitively priced to deliver the best value to us. LMW has created an extensive sales and after sales service network that is prompt and reliable.
Most importantly, LMW believes in maintaining impregnable customer relationship.
Lakshmi Machine Works is the only Indian firm that has catered to the needs encompassing the entire spinning sector and partnered with numerous mills to help them spearhead as a leader in their domain along with trailblazing the growth in the sector.”