RK Chugh takes over as IEEMA President
Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA)—the apex association of the Indian electrical equipment manufacturing industry—has announced that RK Chugh has taken over the post of President, IEEMA for 2019-20.
the Indian electrical equipment manufacturing industry—has announced that RK Chugh has
taken over the post of President, IEEMA for 2019-20. Chugh took over coveted post during the IEEMA annual convention held on September 17, 2019 themed as ‘Transformational Reforms’.
Chugh says, “It is my privilege and honour to be at the helm of affairs at IEEMA and look forward to your full support. At the present juncture, when state of economy in India and globally is not all that good, it presents to us challenges as well as opportunities to address the same. All of us individually and collectively can make a big difference towards bringing about a turnaround in our own areas of work, thereby contributing to a substantial change at macro level. Increase in productivity together with creation of more jobs in our set ups should be a priority to increase consumption level in the country. Thrust on exports to newer markets and countries with quality products and services can ensure much higher capacity utilization in our factories & of course Power will play a very important role in achieving these ambitions. IEEMA has a well-oiled machinery and infrastructure to help us achieving our business goals and align with larger goals of the nation. Our association and all of us have a responsibility and a role in Transformation.
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