Murata Machinerys automatic winder
Muratecs theme for this years ITMA ASIA? 2014 is "Challenge for the next - Progress." Muratec will exhibit the automatic winder "Process Coner II QPRO" and VORTEX spinning machine "VORTEX III 870", its main models which have steadily penetrated the market since their debut in 2011.
Muratecs theme for this years ITMA ASIA? 2014 is "Challenge for the next – Progress." Muratec will exhibit the automatic winder "Process Coner II QPRO" and VORTEX spinning machine "VORTEX III 870", its main models which have steadily penetrated the market since their debut in 2011.
The latest model of the automatic winder "Process Coner II QPRO" is equipped with much more enhanced features & functions over the "No. 21C Process Coner" first released in 2001 and adopted by spinning companies around the world. The "Process Coner II QPRO" has succeeded in achieving a phenomenal combination of "increased operational speed", "greatly improved energy efficiency in the winding process", "while maintaining high yarn quality".
Muratec will also be demonstrating the "VORTEX III 870," incorporating all of the spinning knowledge we have accumulated since the debut of the VORTEX line. This is our third generation VORTEX spinning machine, which handles roving, spinning and winding in a single machine. A unique yarn structure by VORTEX spinning and functionality inherent in its structure are recognised by apparel companies all over the world and continues to spread around the textile product market for a variety of materials and a wide range of applications.
"VORTEX III 870" improves operability and user-friendliness to enhance reliability in high-speed spinning based on our experience and ideas from customers including our partners. During the exhibition Muratec will run a sample corner where the latest VORTEX samples are collected. Additionally, Muratec will demonstrate "Visual Manager (plus)", the integrated management system for the automatic winder, "VORTEX-LABO" for VORTEX spinning machine and parts reservation/quotation system as Muratec customer support system.
For further information:
Murata Machinery, Mumbai, Tel: 022 2659 0275