Itema unveils new R9500 Terry, opens Itema Campus

Itema unveils new R9500 Terry, opens Itema Campus

Weaving Terry, Like Never Before, the banner above the new R9500 terry loom of Itema at their Colzate office seemed to convey all that the machine stands for ´ perfect terry weaving, when it was unveiled to a select audience of VIPs from Turkey, Japan, Korea and other countries.


Weaving Terry, Like Never Before, the banner above the new R9500 terry loom of Itema at their Colzate office seemed to convey all that the machine stands for ´ perfect terry weaving, when it was unveiled to a select audience of VIPs from Turkey, Japan, Korea and other countries. As the loom was switched on, there were colourful lights focused on it mingling with cascading of the ´Countdown´ song. When Carlo Rogora, the CEO of Itema Group, got onto the stage and spoke for a few minutes, the clapping from the audience of 150 downed all other sounds.

This official launch of the R9500 Terry Loom was followed by Rogora´s talk about the new initiative on training Itema Campus, its new training centre.

Itema, Italy is the largest privately-owned manufacturer of best-in-class weaving machines, spare parts and integrated services.

Meanwhile, Itema has announced financial results for the first half of 2015 (H1 2015) once again exceeding expectations. The company released the financial results on the same day as officially launching a brand-new terry weaving machine, the R9500terry, and opening the doors of the new training center, Itema Campus.

´These are exciting times for us at Itema,´ says Rogora. ´We are in the sixth semester in a row of constant and robust growth with a CAGR of 13 per cent. Our company´s fundamentals are solid. Our manufacturing facilities are top-notch. Our people are motivated. Our innovations and R&D twin departments never sleep. We have never been more committed to provide the best possible technology to not only fulfill our customers´ needs, but go beyond. Our customers´ quest for the best is ours as well. And the results speak for themselves.´

In the first six months of the year, Itema sold 17 per cent more weaving machines compared to same period last year, increasing the Group turnover from weaving machines by 24 per cent, and the consolidated turnover including spare parts & other company transactions by 20 per cent YOY. Since 2012, the company has continuously grown up, more than doubling the volumes of textile machines sold worldwide. ´Nevertheless, we are not a ´Volumes Company,´continues Rogora. ´We improved dramatically also all financial indicators, once again exceeding expectations with both EBITDA and EBT up more than 20 per cent YOY and seamless cash flow production, month after month. We produce Value for our Customers and for the Stakeholders ´ this is our commitment.´

The company is forging full speed ahead with the investments and process improvements as part of the wider ´Lean Manufacturing´ programme implemented across the production and assembly lines. ´The resulting boost in productivity and increased flexibility is staggering,´ said Rogora. ´We are now more nimble and leaner than ever and it really makes a difference, both in terms of response times and Company´s bottom line.´

According to Fulvio Carlo Toma, Itema´s Group Sales & Marketing Director, ´Itema´s operations in the Indian subcontinent delivered the biggest comeback with a turnaround year and ? per cent YOY growth in volumes just from India alone, where Itema has developed over the years a comprehensive sales and after-sales service organization operating from own offices in Mumbai, as well as Coimbatore, New Delhi and Kohlapur. At the helm of the company´s operations in India is the new Managing Director, Updeep Singh, who joined Itema in March 2014 bringing with him an impressive career in the textile market as a senior executive in well-known international groups like Welspun. In the last year, Itema India registered a period of unprecedented growth, reaching remarkable results in terms of number of machines installed, thanks largely to the innovations and technological specifications of Itema-branded weaving machines.´