Indonesia´s new labelling rules for baby clothes
The Ministry of Industry has issued a new Decree of Minister of Industry No. 07/M-IND/PER/2/2014 for the compulsory implementation of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 7617:2013.
The Ministry of Industry has issued a new Decree of Minister of Industry No. 07/M-IND/PER/2/2014 for the compulsory implementation of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 7617:2013.
This SNI outlines the requirements regulating the use of azo dyes, formaldehyde and extracted metal contents in fabric for babies clothing. This new decree will become effective on 17 May 2014 and supersedes the previous regulation No. 72/M-IND/PER/7/2012.
All clothes for babies up to 36 months that are made of woven and/or knitted fabrics containing various types of fibres and fibre blends that come in direct contact with the skin are required to comply with the requirements for azo dyes, formaldehyde and extracted metal contents in accordance with the SNI 7617:2013.
Textile chemical requirements for baby clothes
The chemical requirements for baby clothes according to SNI 7617:2013 are summarised within the latest SafeGuards bulletin. All baby clothing imported or produced, distributed and marketed in Indonesia should be labelled with the SNI certification mark (Certificate of SNI Labeled Products, SPPT-SNI). The SNI certification mark must be issued by a Product Certification Body (LSPro) that has been accredited by the National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN) and appointed by the Minister of Industry.