Technical textile front looks up with new hopes
Today technical textiles account for 27 percent of worldwide textile fabric production and a worldwide growth of 3 - 5 percent a year is expected for the technical- textiles sector: Michael Jänecke,, Director, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, says in no uncertain terms with a beaming smile. He is the official ambassador for the Techtextil in Germany next year, to be held from May 4 to 7, 2015.
Today technical textiles account for 27 percent of worldwide textile fabric production and a worldwide growth of 3 – 5 percent a year is expected for the technical- textiles sector: Michael Jänecke,, Director, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, says in no uncertain terms with a beaming smile. He is the official ambassador for the Techtextil in Germany next year, to be held from May 4 to 7, 2015.
Michael is in Mumbai, as Messe Frankfurt is poised to launch its much-awaited Techtextil Symposium at The Lalit on October 16 & 17, 2014. He also has an important presentation on the markets for technical textiles.
Michael´s statistics list not only adequate but convincing: Technical textiles generate over 50 percent of the turnover of the German textile industry. Turkey is investing heavily in its technical textiles industry: In 2013, the foreign trade with functional textiles increased by 11 percent to US$ 1.7 billion. In the United States, technical textiles now account for 40 percent of turnover for the USA´s textile factories.