T.T. trademark is now registered for the whole of Europe
T.T. trademark become well known and is recognised in more than 65 countries of the world in its business journey since 1964. Recently, T.T. trademark has been registered in the Register of European Union Trademarks (EUIPO). T.T. trademark is also registered in neighbouring SAARC countries of India (Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh).
Registration procedures for T.T. trademarks are also underway for all countries in the world outside Europe. In this way, T.T. trademark has been registered in almost all the countries of the world and has achieved the status of a global brand. In India, T.T. trademark is registered for all classes of goods and services or is in process of registration.
T.T. Group’s flagship company, T.T. Limited is a “Fortune Next 500†in the rank of Indian Companies. T.T. Group is now rapidly advancing in Garments, Retail Business, Online Business, Food Products and Transport business. The T.T. Group has achieved a strong goodwill through fair trade practice and ethical business, honesty and integrity. Goodwill first, profit next policy.
The present company’s Secretary Neha Lakhera is retiring from December, 10, 2019 due to her marriage outside Delhi and veteran management expert Sanjay Sharma will take over as General Manager and Company Secretary. The presence of Managerial expertise of Sharma, company’s business is expected to move ahead speedily and yield best business results.