Naishadh Parikh heads CITI
The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), the apex national chamber of textile industry, elected its new leadership team led by Naishadh Parikh as Chairman. Mukund Choudhary and Thulasidharan will continue as the Deputy Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), the apex national chamber of textile industry, elected its new leadership team led by Naishadh Parikh as Chairman. Mukund Choudhary and Thulasidharan will continue as the Deputy Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. The new leadership team was elected at the CITI Board meeting held on October 10 at Mumbai, 2015.
Parikh takes charge at a critical time, when the textile sector is going through a challenging time for the domestic as well as for the global industry. Parikh brings with him more than 35 years of experience in diverse industries including textiles. He is also a successful serial entrepreneur who has been spearheading industry bodies in different roles at the National level. Over the last 25 years, Parikh has played a significant role at Arvind, in its growth and expansion. He is a member of Board of Governors of Ahmedabad University and CEPT University.
For CITI, this is a crucial year when the Confederation will be hosting two international events in India. CITI along with the Textile Ministry will be hosting the plenary meet of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in December this year at Mumbai. CITI will be also hosting the next International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) Conference in November 2016.
Binoy Job takes over from DK Nair, who is retiring after 16 years of service as Secretary General of CITI.