Key quality indicators for spinning
When it comes to quality and cost calculations, spinners are well aware of the familiar parameters: raw material prices, machine downtime and production rates, for example. But a more detailed assessment of all the key performance indicators (KPIs) for a successful spinning mill can bring important new factors to light. Expert guidance on this wider view comes in USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No. 50, just published ´ and now available as an e-magazine.
USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No. 50 is now available in e-magazine format.
When it comes to quality and cost calculations, spinners are well aware of the familiar parameters: raw material prices, machine downtime and production rates, for example. But a more detailed assessment of all the key performance indicators (KPIs) for a successful spinning mill can bring important new factors to light. Expert guidance on this wider view comes in USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No. 50, just published ´ and now available as an e-magazine.
This latest edition of the USTER® NEWS BULLETIN includes a 20-page analysis of the KPIs throughout the yarn manufacturing process. Taking account of the extra challenges in today´s fast-changing textile business, the KPIs have been carefully targeted to help mills understand the vital issues of production efficiency, cost and quality ´ and how they interplay with one another.
The guidelines in USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No 50 promote a deeper knowledge of well-known KPIs such as the total cost of a bale laydown, the number of machine stops, and the impact of machine production settings. In fact, these, and practically all other KPIs are actually also Key Quality Indicators ´ with an impact on both the level and consistency of quality being produced. Uster Technologies defines and explains these quality factors in USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No. 50, with the theme ´Managing a spinning mill with quality in mind´. It´s all about quality´
Dr Geoffrey Scott, CEO of Uster Technologies, says: ´Today´s market for textile producers is more challenging than ever before. Consumers of textiles are becoming more demanding in their requirements for quality in the products they buy. This puts increasing pressure on manufacturers to produce the right level of quality every time. If they don´t, their reputation suffers, customers are lost to competitors, and profits decline. ´Right quality´ is the level that meets the requirements of the customer and allows processes and production to run at optimum efficiency and effectiveness. That is the way to ensure you make the maximum level of profit in your business.´
Spinners today are increasingly recognizing that successful mill management correlates very closely with effective management of quality. It´s no longer wise to view these two disciplines in isolation ´ especially in the current volatile market environment.
That´s why more and more spinning companies are deliberately putting equal emphasis on both productivity and quality: in other words, managing the mill with quality in mind. From this perspective, it quickly becomes clear that very few mill operations are not related to quality´ so it makes sense to unite quality management and mill management.
Open source of know-how
Dr Scott explains further the potential benefits for a spinning mill business: ´Quality is a mindset which needs to be well established across all mill functions, enabling preventive rather than corrective actions. Quality-minded people are extremely important at the heart of all quality management approaches.´
USTER has a deep conviction that quality-minded personnel is vital to the success of a spinning mill and supports this by making USTER® NEWS BULLETIN an easily-accessible source of practical quality know-how. For the first time, this highly-valued USTER publication is now available in e-magazine format. A free copy is available at uster.com/downloadunb
The USTER® NEWS BULLETIN No. 50 offers clear explanations and detailed advice on how spinning mills can take charge of both quality and profitability targets. Easy-reference summaries of the key points are linked to descriptions of the most important quality-control tools available, making this USTER® NEWS BULLETIN a comprehensive source of information for the spinner. Get a free copy in e-magazine format at ust