Grasim Industries’ Nagda plant to achieve ZLD this year
Grasim Nagda Unit - a leader in water management - will be the first viscose unit in the world to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
Water, is the lifeline for every living being on this earth, and is the most important shared resource on the planet. Water is a key resource for the economic and social development and is vital to maintain health, grow food, generate energy, manage the environment, and create jobs. At Grasim Industries Ltd, the three R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) principles have been effectively applied for protecting and conserving water, which has resulted in significant reduction in fresh water intake of its fibre production units.
Excellence in water management practices is integral to Grasim’s commitment towards water stewardship. These included innovations for improving the efficiency of processes to reduce consumption and multiple times reuse of water. For this, Grasim has adopted state of the art novel technologies such as membrane processes, which could clean up and recycle the wastewater.
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