Giacoma Sala up Corporate Ladder at Itema
Giacomo Sala is the Group CFO and Managing Director of Itema Switzerland, a leading global provider of advanced weaving solutions, including best-in-class weaving machines, spare parts and integrated services.
Giacomo Sala is the Group CFO and Managing Director of Itema Switzerland, a leading global provider of advanced weaving solutions, including best-in-class weaving machines, spare parts and integrated services. Sala has a Master´s Degree in Economics and Finance from Universita´ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan (Italy). Upon graduation in 1997, Sala started his fast-paced career as a financial controller in Mitsubishi Electric Europe. In 2002, he was named Financial Director of Daewoo Electronics Europe Gmbh.
Sala made the transition to the textile manufacturing industry in 2008, when he became the Financial Director of Promatech. In 2009, Promatech became Itema and Sala was promoted to the role of CFO and Chairman of the Board.
Once in Itema, Sala is quickly appointed to an impressive succession of roles, including Group Finance Director and CFO of Itema China in 2010.