German ?50m aid to improve workers? skills
German government is providing Bangladesh with ?50 million in assistance to improve garment workers? skills, said commerce ministry sources.
German government is providing Bangladesh with ?50 million in assistance to improve garment workers? skills, said commerce ministry sources.
The project work got underway in July after signing an agreement between two governments. The project is expected to be completed by the end of January, 2018.
Germany is the second largest single export destination for Bangladesh?s garment products after the United States, accounting for $4.33bn in the fiscal year 2014-15, according to the Export Promotion Bureau.
The German government has launched a website on Bangladesh exports where the development stories of the country?s garment sector. The standard of the Bangladeshi garment products are displayed on the website. Bangladesh?s garment exports to Germany has increased by 20 per cent in the last three months.
German government is also providing assistance to improve garment workers? skills in in the countries like Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan and China.
CATEGORIES Industry Update
TAGS Bangladesh exportsgarment exportsGarment Industrygarment productsgarment workersskill developmentworkers skills