Com4®, a brand provides support for Rieter customers
Rieter is stepping up its sales support for licensees with new yarn brands. Com4® is a registered trademark of Rieter. It now represents the basic brand for quality yarns spun on all four Rieter final spinning machines.
Rieter's Com4® brand is been used to date for fully compacted yarns produced on Rieter compact spinning machines.
Rieter is stepping up its sales support for licensees with new yarn brands. Com4® is a registered trademark of Rieter. It now represents the basic brand for quality yarns spun on all four Rieter final spinning machines. The goal is to increase awareness of the yarns among downstream processors and thus boost demand for these yarns from Rieter´s customers.
The Com4® brand has been used to date for fully compacted yarns produced on Rieter compact spinning machines. This was followed by the ComfoRo« brand for yarns spun on fully automated Rieter rotor spinning machines and the ComforJet« brand for the relatively new, airjet-spun yarn.
Boosting brand awareness
The Com4® brand is now used for all four types of yarn:
Com4® ring – for yarns spun on Rieter ring spinning machines;
Com4® compact – for yarns spun on Rieter compact spinning machines;
Com4® rotor – for yarns spun on Rieter rotor spinning machines;
Com4® jet – for yarns spun on Rieter airjet spinning machines.
The bundling of the brands is intended to heighten the recognition effect, especially among yarn traders, weavers and knitters, thus increasing demand from Com4® yarn spinning mills.
The same basic logo Com4® is used for each type of yarn. Whichever yarn brand is being publicised, it is at the same time also always an advertisement for all other yarn brands. This simplifies the establishment of the yarn brands in the marketplace. Rieter´s new yarn brands were presented officially for the first time at Texworld in Paris in September.
Com4® and its advantages for Rieter customers
Com4® stands for consistent yarn quality produced on Rieter´s final spinning machines. Customers who decide to become licensees of this brand can use the Com4® brand name with the relevant suffix for marketing their yarns. This enables their yarns to stand out from other products. Com4® creates trust and offers security. Customers can raise their status in the marketplace in this way. They also benefit from Rieter´s yarn marketing, featuring yarn advertisements, press articles, attendance at tradeshows, organisation of seminars and active publicity for licensees´ yarns.
How can Rieter customers benefit?
Rieter customers who produce yarn on the relevant final spinning machines have the opportunity to conclude a licensing agreement with Rieter. Applications can be addressed to the relevant sales manager or submitted directly via the Rieter website. Existing licensees can switch to the new yarn brands easily and quickly. Com4® – a strong brand is establishing itself in the world of yarns.
For further information:
Anja Knick, Winterthur,
Email: anja.knick@rieter.com