Prospects look up for 2014-15
The Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) is a private non-profit organisation, whose main purpose consists in promoting the Italian textile machinery sector and in supporting its activity
The Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) is a private non-profit organisation, whose main purpose consists in promoting the Italian textile machinery sector and in supporting its activity, mainly abroad, through the most updated and innovative promotional means, constantly improved during its more than 60 years of life.
While speaking to Samuel Joseph at the recently held ITMA ASIA 2014 event at Shanghai, Raffaella Carabelli, President of ACIMIT, Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufactures, discussed the recent trend in the Italian textile machinery industry.
Samuel Joseph (SJ): How has been 2013 and what trends 2014 showed for Italian textile machinery industry?
Raffaella Carabelli (RC): In 2013, Italy´s textile machinery sector recorded a slight downturn in exports (-5 per cent compared to 2012), due to decreased demand in crucial markets. However, the forecasts for 2014 are positive, with sales abroad for the first quarter of the year up 10 per cent.
SJ: How has India figured in the outcome of results for Italian textile machinery industry?
RC: India is a primary market for Italy´s textile machinery sector, ranking third in terms of major markets for our businesses, just behind China and Turkey, with total exports of Italian machinery amounting to over 108 million euros. Over the past two years, sales of Italian textile machinery to India have stabilized, following a strong period of growth: the average annual increase for Italian exports was 4 per cent, which bears witness to the validity of our technology and the recognition it enjoys with India´s textile manufacturers.
SJ: Tell us something about the Green Label initiative. Is this concept paying off?
RC: The aim of this initiative is to highlight the commitment of Italian textile machinery manufacturers in seeking out environmentally efficient and effective technology solutions, with significant benefits for users in terms of reducing production costs. The main focus of the ¨Sustainable Technologies¨ project is ACIMIT´s Green Label: a voluntary certification by Italy´s textile machinery manufacturers that draws attention to the energy and/or environmental performances of machinery bearing the Green Label, as certified by the international certification body RINA. Participating Italian machinery companies have received positive feedback with their customers, both in mature and emerging markets worldwide.
SJ: How do you rate Italian textile machinery industry vis-a-vis other global competitors? What are the special attributes that put them apart from others?
RC: Italy remains one of the world´s primary producers of textile machinery, in spite of the emergence of new competitors – China first and foremost – who have broadened their product offering in the textile machinery sector. The following characteristics allow Italian textile machinery to stand out from the competition:
- A high level of state-of-the-art technology, achieved through continuous research by individual manufacturers in partnership with their customers and end users;
- Maximum machinery versatility and flexibility, allowing for variations in production according to the specific needs of each user;
- Sustainable technology solutions that provide real and consistent savings in raw materials, energy and water, resulting in lower production costs.
SJ: How do you visualise the future of Italian textile machinery? Will there be any special campaigns to promote Italian textile in other countries, particularly India?
RC: I´m very confident about the future of Italy´s textile machinery sector, as the demand for advanced technology continues to grow. Over the coming years, the demand for machinery