Textechno & Lenzing‘s testing instruments
The processing properties of yarns and rovings are determined by Rovingtest and the drapability of fabrics and NCFs for composites with Drapetest.
Hall – 1, Booth – D38/39
Textechno and Lenzing Instruments will show testing instruments for fibres and yarns at the ITMA Asia + CITME 2018 in Shanghai, hall 1, booth D38/39, from October 15-19. Textechno develops precision test equipment/systems for textile and man-made fibres. Lenzing Instruments provides testing technology for quality control of fibres and nonwoven.
Textechno’s Balexpert and Spinexpert, both parts of the new designed Fibre Classifying System (FCS), determine the quality and spinnability of both, cotton- and synthetic fibres. The focus will be on the enhanced fibre bundle length and strength tester Fibrotest, the Micronair station FMT, the trash and colour tester Optotest, as well as the automatic fibre-length-, impurity- and spinnability tester MDTA 4.
The fully-automatic capacitive evenness, count and tensile tester for yarns Statimat DS combines the three most important test methods for spun yarn. In the field of automatic single-fibre testing Favimat+ is now featuring additional test methods incorporated in the equipment. A sample feed unit, Autofeed, reduces labour for preparation of the test specimen and introduction into the test field to literally zero.These instruments will be a part of the expo. Textechno’s automatic capacitive evenness tester for filament yarn Covamat with its novel sensor design, automatic package changer and a high-speed yarn twister fulfils all requirements for an effective and reliable quality control system.
Dynafil Me+ is the all in one solution for automatic filament yarn testing. This instrument has proved its excellent suitability for numerous applications like draw force testing of POY, crimp testing of DTY and BCF, or shrinkage testing of all kinds of yarns including monofilaments and ATY.
For determining the number of interlaces, Textechno has developed the interlace and interlace stability tester, Itemat+ TSI, as the successor of the well-known Itemat by Enka Tecnica, after taking over all rights on this instrument.
Textechno establishes a new department for composite testing services. Besides testing basic fibre properties with Favimat+, customers can also examine the fibre/matrix adhesion with the Fimatest system. The processing properties of yarns and rovings are determined by Rovingtest and the drapability of fabrics and NCFs for composites with Drapetest.