TAI to organise meet on ´Make in India´
The abolition of quota system in 2005 witnessed the new emerging markets in Asia and China for textile manufacturing and sourcing by the developed countries in the West. China surged ahead of all Asian countries and cornered maximum market share.
The abolition of quota system in 2005 witnessed the new emerging markets in Asia and China for textile manufacturing and sourcing by the developed countries in the West. China surged ahead of all Asian countries and cornered maximum market share. However in the last 3-4 years, China faced many problems and its global share started coming down despite China depreciating its currency. This resulted in the pressure on the Indian subcontinent, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. The Indian Textile industry was trying its best to capture the market share and trying to meet the global demands and requirements. It however needed strong push and impetus.
Many state governments launched their special textile policies, it however did not show any marked results. This is now provided by the Prime Minister´s dream mission ´Make in India´. Many state governments have taken initiative and have re-launched policies to promote the textile industry, states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, etc. The textile industry has been one of the focal points of this mission. The Textile Association of India, Mumbai Unit International Textile Conference on ´Make in India´ on December 1-2, 2016 at Hotel The Lalit, Mumbai. How the ´Make in India´ mission is going to help the India textile industry and how the developed countries and global brands/retailers are looking to the Indian textile industry is the theme of this two-day conference.
It is now more than nine months since this mission was showcased in Mumbai by the Central Government. The Textile Ministry and various state governments will list out the response to their initiatives and their progress. The textile industry requires huge investments and whether the financial institutes have changed their priorities and have put textile industry on the top of their plans. How these institutes will meet the challenges faced by the industry.
The captains of the Indian textile industry will put forward their vision, expectations and requirements. How the other textile ancillary businesses like cotton and man-made fibre manufacturers, textile machinery manufacturers, dyes/chemicals manufacturers are going to stand up to the challenge will also be covered in the conference. The technical textiles which are imported in large quantities for infrastructure development whether can be made in India will also be the focal point of this conference.