SDL Atlas launches impact penetration tester
SDL Atlas has launched the impact penetration tester, precisely designed to satisfy AATCC Test Method 42: Water Resistance: Impact Penetration. SDL Atlas is a leading supplier of textile testing equipment, laboratory products, consumables, and service for the fabric, apparel, yarn, and fibre industries. The company is headquartered in the United States.
SDL Atlas has launched the impact penetration tester, precisely designed to satisfy AATCC Test Method 42: Water Resistance: Impact Penetration. SDL Atlas is a leading supplier of textile testing equipment, laboratory products, consumables, and service for the fabric, apparel, yarn, and fibre industries. The company is headquartered in the United States.
Originally developed to predict rain penetration, AATCC TM 42 has been adopted by the medical industry as a measure of liquid barrier performance for personal protective equipment (PPE). The Type II Design Impact Penetration Tester is specifically designed to meet AATCC TM42. The instrument consists of a sturdy frame, made of high-grade stainless steel, which allows for precise and repeatable test results, according to SDL Atlas.
The instrument features a number of attributes deigned to ensure accurate testing including a small blade inside the funnel to allow water to move smoothly through the funnel without any swirling motion, strong clamps to hold the sample firmly in place, a weighted bottom clamp to hold the sample flat and an integrated drip catcher to catch any leftover water from the previous test. An air-bubble on the base shows when the instrument is properly levelled.
The new impact penetration tester is now available worldwide. SDL Atlas also supplies the specialised 6-inch x 9-inch blotting paper the test requires.
Committed to providing customers confidence in standard based testing, SDL Atlas has offices and experts in the US, the UK, Hong Kong, and China, plus with agents serving over 100 countries, SDL Atlas is ready to support its customers with instruments, test materials and services anywhere in the world.