ITMA 2019 to have knowledge-sharing events

ITMA 2019 to have knowledge-sharing events

ITMA 2019 will feature a number of industry-leading knowledge-sharing events to facilitate sharing and collaboration among global textile and garment industry members. Hot button issues such as sustainable innovation, Industry 4.0 and automation will be on many agendas during the show.


ITMA 2019 will feature a number of industry-leading knowledge-sharing events to facilitate sharing and collaboration among global textile and garment industry members. Hot button issues such as sustainable innovation, Industry 4.0 and automation will be on many agendas during the show.

According to CEMATEX, owner of ITMA 2019, the cluster of accompanying events will spotlight key industry challenges and leading-edge solutions that will support industry members’ drive for sustainability and competitiveness.

Fritz Mayer, President of CEMATEX, elaborated: “ITMA has evolved beyond its original aim of merely providing a buy-and-sell platform for textile machinery manufacturers. It is now a meaningful platform for all industry stakeholders to share new breakthroughs, brainstorm solutions and explore collaboration.”

Two events that have been successfully organised in conjunction with past ITMA exhibitions include the Textile Colourant and Chemical Leaders Forum and the Nonwovens Forum. These ITMA forums are organised in collaboration with key industry organisations.

Textile Colourant and Chemical Leaders Forum

The 3rd Textile Colourant and Chemical Leaders Forum at ITMA 2019 will focus on the theme: The Circular Economy and Resource Sustainability Strategy.

“Discussions will centre on the circular economy and resource sustainability strategy and how textile chemicals and innovative and cleaner technologies can support it under the influence of Industry 4.0 emerging strategic concept,” said Andrew Filarowski, Chairman of forum’s organising committee and technical director of the Society of Dyers and Colourists.

Other members of the organising committee are from:

  • The International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists & Colourists (IFATCC)
  • American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorist (AATCC)
  • The Spanish Association of Textile Chemists & Colourists (AEQCT)
  • The Dyestuff Manufacturers Association of India (DMAI)
  • The forum will be held on June 23, 2019.

Nonwovens Forum

Following a successful collaboration in 2015, ITMA will jointly organise the Nonwovens Forum at ITMA 2019 with the International Association for the Nonwovens and Related Industries (EDANA). The one-day event on June 21 will feature discussions on the latest innovations in nonwovens based on the theme: Nonwovens manufacturing processes for the 21st century: more flexible, more efficient, more sustainable.