In wastewater mgmt, textile is still under developing stage
Sanjay Sawant, Head – Sales & Marketing, Unitop Aquacare Limited, speaks on the importance of zero liquid discharge for the textile industry, and company’s technologies to treat water
Unitop Aquacare is an ISO 9001:2008 certified leading engineering organisation with four decades of experience in heat transfer and process engineering projects for design, manufacturing, supply, installations and services. Unitop Aquacare is a trusted name in the field of industrial evaporation and drying technologies having over 400 clientele worldwide with number of repeated orders.
TAGS Chemical beltCSEFMCGsJalshakti AbhiyanNamami Gange AbhiyaanNEERIPharmaceuticalsPower PlantrefineriesSanjay SawantSwachh Bharat AbhiyaanTERITextile Industrytreat waterUnitop AquacareUnitop Aquacare Limitedwastewater treatmentZDHCZero Liquid Discharge