Improving energy efficiency in compressed air system
Founded in 2002, Systel Group has been serving its customers for more than 16 years now. It all started in Coimbatore with a vision of bringing clarity, efficiency and improvement to the then conditions of the compressed air solutions.
The company offers a wide range of products to customers in Europe and Asia to improve the productivity of their plants. Some of the products that Systel provides to its customers include but are not limited to: intelligent compressor master controllers; measurement products for flow, energy, power, dew point and air quality, date loggers and compressed air analysing software, leak detectors and leakage management software, software for remote monitoring of compressed air flow, quality and energy consumption; and complete range of advanced electro-pneumatics.
The company has also been proudly awarded ISO 9001-2008 for its quality process with UKAS Standards. Today, the company serves Asia and Europe in the following regions and are expecting to be in more parts of the world with our group companies.
“At Texfair, we have displayed WAFS 101 series thermal mass flow meter. WAFS 101 series thermal mass flow meter is WiseAir 4.0’s latest technology specially-designed for air and N2 specifications. It has more compact design, which means smaller enclosure and thinner insertion tube probe. Due to its small diameter insertion probe and shorter high-sensitive sensor, it can be used on pipes from DN25-DN500, or even larger pipe. In some higher pre-sure applications, it can be installed/removed without stopping the fluid, as the pipe is thinner, field engineers will be able to insert the meter to pipe very easily. Also, to full-fill the energy conservation need in compressed air and N2 applications, WAFS-101 will be most cost effective model in the market.
WAFS-101 series thermal mass flow meter measures the gas mass flow based on thermal diffusion theory. It has two RTDs as its sensors, one of which sense the velocity of the gas flow (RH) and the other one will detect the temperature shift of the gas flow. When the two RTD are in the gas flow, the RH will be treated while the RMG will sense the temperature changing. This application is specially designed for air and N2 applications, such as compressed air, venting air. Aeration, process protection N2, combustion air, etc.
Systel Engineering Controls specialises in
improving your compressed air system’s energy
efficiency by offering: complete system design consultancy for new installations, professional assessment and re-engineering solutions of existing facilities, performance-based maintenance contracts,
and leak surveys and repairs.