Custom AATCC wash cycle machines available
Testing labs and other interested parties can now purchase washing machines programmed specifically to perform the wash cycle described in AATCC Monograph 6, Standardisation of Home Laundry Test Conditions (M6).
Testing labs and other interested parties can now purchase washing machines programmed specifically to perform the wash cycle described in AATCC Monograph 6, Standardisation of Home Laundry Test Conditions (M6). Several test methods and procedures call for standardised home laundering. In 1984, AATCC Research Committee RA88, Home Laundering Technology, developed M6 to establish a consistent set of test conditions for all test methods involving home laundering. Although laundering technology and model numbers change regularly, it is not practical or desirable for labs to replace washing machines every year. The committee worked with a major washing machine manufacturer to introduce machines with a specially-programmed cycle. This cycle will allow labs to purchase available machines in subsequent years, while maintaining the same laundering conditions.
The AATCC Wash Cycle´sometime referred to as the ´keydance´ cycle´is programmed in several commerciallyavailable washing machine models. A list of these models and instructions for accessing the AATCC Wash Cycle are available at www.aatcc.org/testing/supplies/washers.htm Both traditional and high efficiency top-load, 120V/60
Hz washing machine models are equipped with the AATCC Wash Cycle. Front load and 220V models with the custom cycle are being developed.
Currently, the AATCC Wash Cycle is limited to normal cycle with warm wash. Delicate cycle and alternate wash temperatures may be accessed through normal machine settings. Visit the AATCC website for machine settings and updates.
AATCC provides a list of models meeting monograph parameters as a service to users of the monograph and related test methods. The association does not verify the parameters of washing machines or dryers. The published lists include machines reported by the manufacturer to meet the most recent parameters listed in the monograph.
For further information:
Diana A Wyman, Technical Director
AATCC | Association of Textile, Apparel & Materials Professionals
1 Davis Drive, PO Box 12215,
Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709-2215, USA
Tel: .919.549.3532
Email: diana@aatcc.org
Web: www.aatcc.org