GoTx series machine to offer seamless workflow integration

GoTx series machine to offer seamless workflow integration

Impression Technology, under its brand name, has released GoTx series fabric pre-treatment machine. Available in widths of 1.9 and 2.6, this standalone pre-treatment machine can be bundled with the GoTx series digital fabric printers.

UK-based Impression Technology, under its brand name, has released GoTx series fabric pre-treatment machine. Available in widths of 1.9 and 2.6, this standalone pre-treatment machine can be bundled with the GoTx series digital fabric printers. It offers seamless workflow integration and will ensure greater adoption of digital technologies by print houses.
“With growing demand from consumers to purchase digitally printed fabrics and a large range of printing devices available to fulfil that demand, the bottleneck in the supply chain is the availability of pre-treated fabrics at prices that meet market expectations,” said Steve Richardson of Impression Technology, the manufacturers of the Pigmentinc GoTx Digital branded printer, pre-treatment and fixation devices. It has offices in Australia, the US, the UK and Turkey.