New dimension for patterns on DORNIER machines

New dimension for patterns on DORNIER machines

Using DORNIER’s ORW technology, it has become possible to successfully integrate embroidery in the weaving process so that weaving and embroidery can run at the same time on DORNIER weaving machines.


Using DORNIER’s ORW technology, it has become possible to successfully integrate embroidery in the weaving process so that weaving and embroidery can run at the same time on DORNIER weaving machines.

The Open Reed Weave (ORW) technology developed by DORNIER considerably extends pattern versatility for light, classic fabrics and eliminates downstream processing.

Stitch weaving

The production of figures highlighted in colour in fabrics for clothing and furnishing requires a certain technical effort such as increasing the number of shafts or using Jacquard equipment for weaving Scherli effects or subsequent further processing through embroidery. Using DORNIER’s ORW technology, it is now possible to successfully integrate embroidery in the weaving process so that weaving and embroidery can run at the same time on DORNIER weaving machines.

The system is based on the DORNIER weaving machines and is modular, which means the weaving machine retains its full performance capability and complete application spectrum during normal weaving operation without stitching.


Opening the reed upwards allows inserting additional pattern threads between the reed and weaving shafts using special thread guides.

These additional pattern threads are passed to the weaving process using a bypass, comprising an additional warp stop motion and a deflection system above the weaving shafts, using the movable thread guides. After the additional pattern threads have dipped into the lower shed, the filling is inserted which binds the additional pattern threads. This creates a filling effect on the fabric surface that can be controlled freely within certain limits using a lifting plan and is comparable to embroidery and Scherli-patterns. This technology can be applied to the DORNIER system family consisting of rapier and airjet weaving machines.

Fields of application

The DORNIER ORW technology allows wide diversity in patterns for clothing and decorative fabrics or specifically applied reinforcements in technical textiles. The fabric is already manufactured in refined form on the weaving machine which increases value creation.

Techtextil Innovation Prize 2011

The Techtextil Innovation Prize in the category new technologies was awarded to Dr Adnan Wahhoud, Head of the development department for airjet weaving machines for the ORW technology.

The DORNIER weaving machines with embroidery unit are based on:

1. High functional reliability
2. Dependable machine construction and process engineering
3. Flexibility
4. Ergonomics
5. Simple handling

For further information:
Lindauer DORNIER GmbH
88129 Lindau, Germany
Tel: +49 8382 7030, Fax: +49 8382 703386