Studies on mechanical splicing with cotton yarns
Untwisting notch, count and drafting notch have a significant effect on splice retained strength and splicing parameters do not have significant effect on splice breakage ratio and abrasion resistance,
Untwisting notch, count and drafting notch have a significant effect on splice retained strength and splicing parameters do not have significant effect on splice breakage ratio and abrasion resistance, infer H R Shah, Govardhana Rao Chilukoti and B B Jambagi.
The twin splicer is a yarn splicer, which operates on a purely mechanical system. One of its advantages is to control and guide the yarn during the entire splicing operation. The untwisting and re-twisting action on the yarn is carried out between two self-compensated interfaced discs, which can adapt to all yarn diameters. Main twin-splicer units are front cover, external clamps, ripping grippers, twist inhibitors and pegs. Claudio Speranzin et al invented process and apparatus for mechanically spliced yarns. This invention relates to a procedure and a device suitable for splicing two yarns together by undoing and then re-constituting the twists in the textile yarns mechanically.
Mohamed Ben Hassen et al carried out experimental studies on mechanical splicing. This model shows that the change in the value of drafting has no influence on the properties of the mechanical splicing. Moreover, high values of untwisting and low re-twisting values improve the properties for 32 & 82 Tex yarns for denim. The splices were prepared by annular rubber twisting surfaces that are mounted on metal discs geared to counter-rotate.
Untwisting and re-twisting are the most influential parameters on the mechanical properties of mechanically spliced yarns. To achieve high splicing quality, an adequate opening of the yarn ends and a convenient re-twisting should be used. In optimal conditions, it is possible to splice medium and thick cotton yarns using the same device, which is the advantage of mechanical splicing.
In the present study an attempt is made to find out effect of splicing parameters on the quality of splice. The splice quality is normally assessed on the basis of strength of spliced yarn (Splice Retained Strength: SRS), number of incidences the yarn breakage rate at splice (Splice Breakage Ratio: SBR), appearance of the splice, size of the splice and abrasion resistance. The mechanical splicer with three variables, viz, untwisting notch, drafting notch and re-twisting notch were studied to find out its effect on splice quality.
Material and methods
In the present study ring spun cotton yarns with of 10, 32, 40 and 60 Ne were studied. The yarns were spliced with the mechanical splicer type 0017 on the Savio-Polar M/L winding machine.
Experimental Plan
In order to study the influence of untwisting notch, drafting notch, re-twisting notch and count on the quality of the splice at four different levels (Table 1), orthogonal analysis is one of the experimental designs to select the combinations of the four different parameters and four levels. Here, orthogonal table L16 (44), which can accommodate for 4 parameters and 4 levels for each of the parameters (Table 2) is selected for the studying of mechanically spliced yarn properties. The actual experiments to be carried out with these variables and levels are given in Table 3.
In this way 16 different combinations were prepared in the sequence, and identification of each test code symbols are shown in Table 3.
Parent yarn specifications
The properties of fibres in the mixing and properties of ring spun yarns are mentioned in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.
Results and discussion: Effect of splicing parameters
Spliced Retained Strength (SRS %)
Table 6 shows, the mean values of the spliced retained strength (SRS %), splice breakage ratio (SBR %), splice mean diameter and perce