New President for US Section of IFKT

New President for US Section of IFKT

The International Federation of Knitting Technologists IFKT/IFWS has appointed Hitesh Kumar Sharma (Knitting Technologist) as its as new president for United States National Section


The International Federation of Knitting Technologists IFKT/IFWS has appointed Hitesh Kumar Sharma (Knitting Technologist) as its as new president for United States National Section. He has been with the organization since 1999 and elected first time president in November 2016 for US National Section. He has more than 25 years of working experience in the knitting industry and has worked in a senior techno -management position in global multinational companies in USA, Canada, ltaly and North lndia.

Moreover, the number of USA and Canada national sections members are gradually increasing due to his presence in the organization. ?We believe that, with fake rolex his familiarity with knitting sector in a wide North America (US/Canada) perspective, he will be a great asset to IFKT,? feels the management..