3 apparel units in Tiruppur get eco-friendly certification
Three apparel units, including a dyeing unit, have obtained ‘GreenCo’ rating certification given by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) this year in Tiruppur.
Three apparel units, including a dyeing unit, have obtained ‘GreenCo’ rating certification given by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) this year in Tiruppur. The certificate would be awarded by assessing performances in parameters such as effective utilisation of energy, water conservation, waste minimisation and reuse, and installation of renewable energy.
“A denim manufacturing unit in Erode was utilising only around 10 litres of water for manufacturing a pair of denims, which is so eco-friendly competitive in the industry. Such eco-friendly factors should be audited to benefit the environment. CII Green Business Center brought the GreenCo rating certification to help the industrials units in that front,†R Azhahia Manavalan of Virtual Research and Company, an energy auditing partner of CII, said.
Since the introduction of the rating system, which validates the units with bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates based on their performances in utilization of energy and resources, five industrial units in Tiruppur apparel cluster have obtained them. Last year, two units got them while three others including two knitwear exporters and a dyeing unit obtained them this year.
“The rating would be done by giving more weightage to the performances in utilization of energy and resources instead of system adopted in the units, which should renew the certificate every three years. The certificates would be distributed in an annual event organised by CII this year in Delhi,†Azhahia Manavalan added.
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