Vasudha Swaraj engages 1000 tribal farmers into ROC
Vasudha Swaraj, an agriculture arm of Pratibha Syntex, engages 1000 tribal farmers in cultivation of regenerative organic cotton. The intent is to restore and build soil, ensure animal welfare, and render fair conditions for farmers and farmworkers.
Swaraj, an agriculture arm of Pratibha Syntex, engages 1000 tribal farmers in
cultivation of regenerative organic cotton (ROC). The intent behind ROC
cultivation is to emphasize farming practices that restore and build soil,
ensure animal welfare, and render fair conditions for farmers and farmworkers.
a bid to increase farmer income and improvise soil health, Vasudha Swaraj
promoted multi-cropping techniques. With multi-cropping and inter-cropping,
while farmers received additional crop and additional income from the same
farmland, the carbon nutrient in the soil is also increased resulting into
increasing arability of the farms lands. Farmers were also imparted training on
effective practices of animal husbandry.
imparting trainings, Vasudha Swaraj provides seeds and organic inputs without
upfront payment and gives buyback guarantee of cotton and all the other crops.
These efforts have significantly improved farmers’ income. Mangal Singh Devaji
Singhad, a Satrundi farmer, says that by engaging with Vasudha Swaraj we
received a sigh of relief in terms of buyback guarantee of all our crops.
Besides, with the multi-cropping technique we are able to get more yield from
the same farmland, which eventually gives us a better assured income. For that
matter if one yield fails the other crop gives income insurance. So, ROC is a win-win situation for us, he
asserted. With multi-cropping farmers get additional income of from Rs 8000 to
15000 per season, said Mr Atul Mittal, Director, Vasudha Swaraj Pvt Ltd.
2020-21 crop, the production of regenerative organic cotton is planned on 2181
acres of land at Petlawad region. The estimated yield of regenerative organic
cotton for the year is 1350 tonnes. With regenerative organic cotton, Pigeon
pea, Maize, Green gram, Black gram, Cowpea, Soybean, Turmeric, Marigold,
Cucumber, Round gourd, Sweet potato, Groundnut, Chilli, Okra and Brinjal were
has multiple benefits like minimum soil erosion, improved water percolation,
increased moisture retention, increased Micorrhiza population, enhanced
microbial activity, Carbon & Nitrogen Ratio maintained which balances the
electric conductivity of ion and soil pH and increased percentage of available
macro & micro nutrients.