Technical textile is one of the emerging field and there is lot of scope for growth

Technical textile is one of the emerging field and there is lot of scope for growth


Groyyo operates as a B2B platform, ensuring sustainability while adding value across the supply chain. The company democratises global supply chains for brands and MSMEs in the textile sector, by bringing them on a single platform – to create demand access for MSMEs and build a supply pool for brands. For small manufacturers, they provide access to a vast network of buyers, advanced technological tools, and financial support to scale their operations. Fashion brands benefit from Groyyo’s streamlined supply chain, ensuring high-quality products delivered on time. Subin Mitra, Co-Founder & CEO, Groyyo, in this conversation with Divya Shetty,

Can you provide a brief overview of Groyyo?

Groyyo stands out as the world’s first manufacturer-first automation platform by addressing the specific pain points of factory workers and owners. Unlike existing technologies that often overlook user experience and simplicity, Groyyo’s platform prioritises intuitive design and ease of use. By incorporating vernacular languages and focusing on user-friendly interfaces, Groyyo ensures that its technology is accessible and effective for manufacturers. This tailored approach sets Groyyo apart as the first platform dedicated to genuinely meeting the needs of the manufacturing sector.

What challenges are small and medium enterprises in the textile industry currently facing, and how is Groyyo addressing these issues?

We focus on empowering micro and small manufacturers with advanced technology, including tools that collect shop floor data in vernacular languages, facilitating easier adoption of digital tools. Additionally, we are committed to upskilling the workforce to enhance India’s manufacturing capabilities, ensuring our labor force meets and exceeds international standards.

Our industry automation platform is a notable solution to support manufacturers. It integrates various aspects of the manufacturing process, from order management and production scheduling to quality control and logistics, ensuring smooth workflows. The platform uses real-time data and analytics to help manufacturers make informed decisions, optimise operations, and reduce waste. Designed to be scalable, it serves both small-scale manufacturers and larger enterprises, with a modular architecture that can be customised to meet specific client needs.

Despite these advantages, we faced initial challenges in connecting with clients, primarily due to resistance to change. Traditional manufacturers were hesitant to adopt new technologies, fearing disruption to their established processes and a reluctance to move away from familiar manual methods to automated systems. To overcome these challenges, we focused on demonstrating the tangible benefits of the platform, such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved product quality. Through pilot projects and success stories, we built trust and showcased how the platform could seamlessly integrate into existing operations without causing disruptions. We also provided extensive support and training to ensure a smooth transition for our clients, gradually convincing them of the value and reliability of our innovative solution.

Given that MSMEs often operate with limited funds, is Groyyo a cost-effective solution for these companies? If so, approximately how much do they save (in percentage terms), and how does this compare to traditional channels?

Groyyo is designed to be a cost-effective solution for MSMEs, which often operate with limited resources. By leveraging our platform, MSMEs can reduce costs by approximately 20-30 per cent compared to traditional channels. This significant saving is achieved through streamlined operations, bulk purchasing power, and direct access to a vast network of vetted suppliers, which eliminates multiple layers of intermediaries. This has made MSMEs allocate their resources more effectively, enhancing their overall competitiveness in the market.  

Can you elaborate on Groyyo’s fabric and yarn division?

Providing high-quality raw materials to manufacturers across the chain is one of our core product offerings. We source a wide range of fabrics and yarns, ensuring that our clients have access to diverse options to meet their specific needs. Our stringent quality control measures ensure that all materials meet industry standards, and our partnerships with leading suppliers enable us to offer competitive pricing. This division is integral to our mission of empowering manufacturers with the resources they need to produce top-quality products. 

How do you anticipate trends in the textile industry will evolve over the next few years, and what impact might these changes have on the market?

The textile industry is poised for significant transformation in the coming years, driven by advancements in technology, sustainability concerns, and changing consumer preferences. We anticipate a shift towards more sustainable practices, with an increasing demand for eco-friendly materials and production processes. Automation and digitisation will continue to play a pivotal role in improving efficiency and reducing costs.

In what ways is the increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly textile solutions shaping the future of the industry?

The increased attention towards eco-friendly textiles is reshaping the industry by driving innovation and prompting companies to adopt greener practices. Consumers and brands alike are increasingly prioritising sustainability, leading to the development of biodegradable materials, recycled fibers, and water-efficient dyeing processes. This shift is not only reducing the environmental impact of textile production but also creating new opportunities for companies that can offer sustainable alternatives. Groyyo is at the forefront of this movement, helping manufacturers transition to eco-friendly practices while maintaining cost-effectiveness and product quality.

How are technological advancements influencing textile manufacturing processes and product innovations?

We believe that the tech advancements these days are solving for factors which will be critical in revolutionising textile manufacturing such as enhancing precision, reducing waste, and enabling the production of innovative new materials. Automation and AI are being used to optimise production processes, resulting in faster turnaround times and consistent quality. Innovations like 3D printing and smart textiles are opening up new possibilities for product design and functionality. At Groyyo, we are embracing these technologies to help our clients stay ahead of the curve, offering them access to cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and innovation in their operations.

How do global supply chain disruptions affect the textile industry, and what strategies are companies using to mitigate these impacts?

Global supply chain disruptions, like the Suez Canal blockage and ongoing geopolitical tensions, pose both challenges and opportunities for Groyyo. These disruptions can lead to delays and increased costs by disrupting the flow of goods and materials. However, they also highlight the critical need for resilient and adaptable supply chain solutions—an area where Groyyo excels.

One of the significant opportunities emerging from these disruptions is the growing trend of near-shoring, especially from regions like Turkey. Near-shoring allows companies to move production closer to their markets, reducing transit times and minimising risks associated with long-distance shipping. By tapping into Turkey’s strategic location and strong textile manufacturing capabilities, we can provide our clients with faster turnaround times and enhanced supply chain flexibility.

To seize these opportunities, we are actively expanding our network of manufacturers, investing in advanced supply chain technologies, and exploring new markets. Our focus on building a resilient and adaptable supply chain enables us to offer clients the stability and reliability they need in an increasingly unpredictable global environment. This strategy not only helps us navigate current challenges but also positions us for sustained growth and success in the future.