Sri Lakshmi’s fire fighting equipment
Located in Coimbatore, Sri Lakshmi Fire Controls is a provider of fire protection systems for the textile industry. The company also supplies fire protection system for ginning and fire protection system for stenter machines and other applications. It also provides all fire protection applications for the spinning industry.
Located in Coimbatore, Sri Lakshmi Fire Controls is a provider of fire protection systems for the textile industry. The company also supplies fire protection system for ginning and fire protection system for stenter machines and other applications. It also provides all fire protection applications for the spinning industry.
Sri Lakshmi Fire Controls has customers throughout India. Some of its major customers include Prima Products, Tamil Nadu; Polytex P Ltd, Tamil Nadu; Premier Spinning & Weaving Mills P Ltd, Karnataka; Sree Narasimha Textiles P Ltd, Tamil Nadu; Achal Spinning Pvt Ltd, Gujarat; Raymond Uco Denim Ltd, Maharashtra; Shri Bhagirath Textiles Ltd, Maharashtra; Nitin Spinners Ltd, Rajasthan; and many more.
Automatic spark diversion system
Uses highest-sensitive German-based GreCon infrared spark detector fitted in pipeline at different zones. It detects spark at earlier stage, shuts down entire machinery and diverts to quenching tank through suction blower.
Some of its unique features include: Highest-sensitive spark detector, earlier detection of even very small spark, one detector to cover maximum of three meter length, no need of any maintenance, no fear of wax depositing on the sensors, one sensor enough for up to 500 mm diameter pipeline, two sensors enough for up to 1,000 mm diameter pipeline, number of sparks can be counted in advanced control panel since it has a threshold feature.
Automatic fire extinguisher
It protects valuable machinery and bulk quantity of bales by installing automatic fire extinguisher system. A single spark under an automatic bale opener can flash over an entire cotton bale laydown (about 10 tonne) in seconds. This dangerous situation can be avoided with the purchase of Sri Lakshmi Automatic Fire Extinguisher System.
It uses highest sensitive German-based GreCon infrared day light spark detector (mainly to avoid frequent false alarm due to external lights and sunlight) to detect spark at earlier stage, alarm, shutdown entire machinery and quench fire with a combination of compressed air and water through special type of nozzles.
Technical specification
- Quick response infrared day light spark detector: 1
- Special type restrictor nozzles: 8
- Quenching media: Compressed air at seven bar pressure + water
- Water tank capacity: 20 litres
Smoke detection system: Bales are stored in huge warehouses and even a small spark can create fire. GreCon smoke detection system helps in early fire detection.
The job of a GreCon fire detection system is the timely detection of impending fire by detecting smoke. The smoke detector will hand over its signal to the GreCon Control Console (CC50XX), which is installed at the guardroom. Some of its unique features include: 1,000 times more sensitive than generic smoke detectors; early fire detection, thanks to innovative, highly sensitive light source technology; high degree of false alarm immunity through LOGICSENS fire pattern recognition; up to three alarm thresholds for a tiered alarm concept; and time saving commissioning through plug and play.
Automatic metal detection system: Presence of metal particles in cotton is common due to various reasons and removal of metals during the first stage of the process is a must. But, generally it is not possible to remove 100 per cent metal from cotton because of following reasons:
- Normally presence of metal particles will be in various sizes even from small ring traveller to big size bolt
- All will not move in same velocity due to its mass variation
- The distance between metals sensor and diverter is fixed and the response time of the diverter also fixed. Hence, response speed of the system does not match all masses of various metals.
All these problems can be solved by using German-based GreCon metal detectors since it has positive speed control by which it will find velocity of metal mass and will adjust diversion gate opening and delay timings. It ensures 100 per cent metal removal.
For further information:
Sri Lakshmi Fire Controls, 27A, Subbaiah Thevar Layout,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar Extension, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore: 641 045.
Mob: 9965515744 | 9994936415 | Email: srilakshmisales@hotmail.com