SKAAT digital slub system
Founded in 1999, SKAAT has since become one of the largest privately owned companies in fancy segments in India. The company offers a wide range of products including SKAAT Slub, SKAAT Injection Slub, SKAAT Rainbow and SKAAT Tester, to name a few. In slubs, SKAAT provides SKAAT DS 3L, SKAAT DS 2L, SKAAT DS 2 and SKAAT DIGI 300.
Founded in 1999, SKAAT has since become one of the largest privately owned companies in fancy segments in India. The company offers a wide range of products including SKAAT Slub, SKAAT Injection Slub, SKAAT Rainbow and SKAAT Tester, to name a few. In slubs, SKAAT provides SKAAT DS 3L, SKAAT DS 2L, SKAAT DS 2 and SKAAT DIGI 300.
The term ´SLUB´ is described as ´Thick Place´ in a yarn. In slub yarn, ´Slubs´ are deliberately created to produce a desired pattern in the yarn. By altering the slub yarn parameters such as slub diameter, slub length and yarn length or slub interval, one can produce more variety of slub yarn with different style.
SKAAT DS3L is specially designed for very long ring frames with more than 1,200 spindles. In this model three servo system are used to drive the rollers.
SKAAT DS 2L is designed for long ring frames, i.e., ring frames up to 1,200 spindles. Two servo systems are used to drive the splitted rollers. Long ring frame is nothing but a ring frame having Duoflex drive at ´OFF end´. For Duoflex drive ring frame, DS2L model is designed for slub. In this model, middle and back bottom fluted roller of the ring frame must be splitted at the middle to provide separate drives for both the ends. Instead of machine drive, two servo motors are used to drive the middle and back bottom fluted roller (one at ´Gear end´ and another at ´Off end´). Servo motor and a sturdy SKAAT variator gear box are used to drive both ´Gear end´ and ´Off end´ of the ring frame independently without slippage. Drive transmission by means of ´mechanical coupling´ at Gear end and ´wheel drive´ at offend. Both the servo motors are synchronised to produce uniform quality of slub yarn. Gear end of the machine is entirely covered by our special panel. All our drive, motor and electrical components are placed inside this panel. Touch industrial computer with 15´ wide screen is provided on the panel for easy view and hassle free programming.
SKAAT DS2 model is developed for medium ring frames up to 1,008 spindles and no need to split the middle and back bottom fluted rollers. For this model, a specially designed servo drive, servo motor and a sturdy SKAAT gear box are used to drive the entire length of ring frame without slippage. Drive transmission by means of mechanical coupling for effective results. Gear end of the machine is entirely covered by our special panels. All our drive system, motors and electrical components are placed inside this panel. Touch industrial computer with 15-inch wide screen is provided on the panel for easy view and hassle free programming.
SKAAT DIGI 300 slub attachment is designed for any make of short ring frames up to 600 spindles. The entire drive unit and control panel is to be placed on gear end and a 15-inch touch industrial computer will be kept near by the machine for programming. One servomotor is used to drive the middle and back bottom roller through our specially designed SKAAT variator gear box. Drive transmission from servomotor to middle and back bottom fluted roller by means of gear to avoid slippage and unwanted jerks on machine. In all models, two advanced digital encoders are used to monitor the speed of front roller and back roller separately which ensures that this speed ratio is always matching with servo speed to produce uniform quality of slub yarn, while the machine is running in variable spindle speed.
Features include: Retrofit with any drafting system, suitable for any make – model of ring frame; produce any length of slubs; able to produce slub mass from 1-10 times of yarn diametre; no thin faults before and after a slub; no ends down during power failure and doffing time; up to 1,500 lines programme to produce the larger effects and avoid the patterning in fabric; easy switch over between fancy and normal yarns without major production loss. (Requires two minutes only); up to 10,000 patterns