SCBTS: In a nutshell
The scheme will be implemented for the benefit of all sections of the society across the country including rural, remote, LWE affected, North East, Jammu and Kashmir by imparting skills in the identified job roles.
- Job role wise skilling targets will be based on skill gap identified for various levels i.e. entry-level courses, up-skilling/re-skilling (supervisor, managerial training, advanced courses for adapting technology), recognition of prior learning, training of trainers, entrepreneurship development
- ?Segment wise/job role-wise requirement of skill needs will be assessed from time to time in consultation with the industry
- ?Web-based monitoring will be adopted for steering every aspect of implementation of the programme
- ?Skilling requirement in the traditional sectors such as handlooms, handicrafts, jute, silk, etc. will be considered as special through respective sectoral Divisions/ organisations. Skill upgradation will be supported further for entrepreneurial development through provision of MUDRA loans
- ?With a view to make outcomes measurable, successful trainees will be assessed and certified by an accredited Assessment Agency
- ?At least 70 per cent of the certified trainees are to be placed in the wage employment. Post Placement tracking will be mandatory under the scheme.
- ?Acknowledging the high levels of employment of women in the sector post training, all partner institutions will be required to comply with the guidelines regarding Internal Complaints Committee to be constituted under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 to become eligible for funding under the scheme.
The scheme will be implemented for the benefit of all sections of the society across the country including rural, remote, LWE affected, North East, Jammu and Kashmir by imparting skills in the identified job roles. Preference will be given to various social groups, SC, ST, differently abled, minorities and other vulnerable groups. Under previous scheme of skill development implemented by the Ministry of Textiles in the XII Plan period, more than 10 lakh people have been trained of which more than 70 per cent were women. Considering that the apparel industry, a major segment to be covered under the scheme, employs majorly women (about 70 per cent), the trend is likely to be continued in the new scheme.