Orange O Tec to market its products in North & West India
Orange O Tec Pvt Ltd, will be marketing cutting machines, pin tables, software, hanger systems, computerised tables and air tables produced by Serkon Makina, a leading Turkish manufacturer of textile and apparel cutting manufacturing technologies and equipment in the western and northern Indian markets.
Surat-based textile and apparel machinery marketer Orange O Tec Pvt Ltd, will be marketing cutting machines, pin tables, software, hanger systems, computerised tables and air tables produced by Serkon Makina, a leading Turkish manufacturer of textile and apparel cutting manufacturing technologies and equipment in the western and northern Indian markets.
Serkon Makina specialises in wide width spreaders for garment sector as well as offers, related software for its customers, both of which are customised as per requirement. To add an icing to the cake, Orange O Tec offers very competitive prices for Serkon technologies, even though they are imported from Turkey.
Among its various offerings is the MH 1, a 3.4 m wide fully automatic fabric spreader for home textiles, which operates at a spreading speed up to 100 m/min and has a spreading height of 0.25 m with cutting device. The automatic spreader has a table width ranging from 2.8 m to 3.6 m with allowed fabric width available from 2.6 m to 3.4 m and can handle roll diameter of 0.65 m.
CATEGORIES Industry Update
TAGS apparel cuttingapparel machineryTextile and ApparelTextile Industrytextile machinerytextile news