LMW’s products & services support sustainability and circularity

LMW’s products & services support sustainability and circularity


The Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) headquartered Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd (LMW) is a leading global textile machinery manufacturer offering a complete range of smart machines from blow room to auto winding. In this interview, M Sankar, Director (Operations), LMW, elaborates on emerging trends and how the company is fulfilling the evolving needs of its customers.

How is LMW Textile Machinery Division (TMD) fulfilling the needs of the textile industry?

Today, LMW has established itself as a prominent player in the global textile machinery manufacturing industry. LMW offers complete range of state-of-the-art cutting-edge smart machinery from blow room to auto winding that fulfils the expectations and requirements of the global customers in terms productivity, quality, user friendliness and maintenance friendliness. LMW always emphasise on automation and digitization and the innovative smart machines allows for systematic, data driven approach, providing detailed insights into equipment performance and provides the customers with real time information and analytics.

Representative offices across all global major markets are equipped with competent sales and service personnel offering the best solutions to customers thus fulfilling the needs of the industry requirements. We are further expanding our footprint to other global markets.

Could you please brief us on some new developments at LMW TMD in the last 1-2 years?

At LMW, innovation and value creation is a journey and not a destination. The last two years has been the most successful ones, as several new benchmarking products were launched to the market.

  • Card LC636 SX with CDS & Fix-Fil: 1.5-meter working width and 36 working flats ensure quality deliverable with higher realisation of up to 1 per cent with power savings of up to 15 per cent.
  • Ring frame LR90 Series: First to the world with up to 2400 spindles, it ensures higher productivity, consistent quality, upto 10% power savings and a space saving of upto 8 per cent.
  • Ring frame Auto Piecer (RAP) with “As Human Piecing”: Fully automated yarn piecing system for ring spinning machines that reduces manpower requirement by upto 60 per cent.
  • Twin Delivery Auto-Leveller Draw Frame LDF2 2S: Independent drive arrangement for processing of two different materials with a compact footprint.

Sustainability and automation are the two mega trends in the industry today. How is LMW TMD helping its customers on these trends?

LMW supports sustainability in every offering, from high-productivity Smart Series machines suitable for virgin and recycled fibers and to the usage of renewable energy for operations. The entire range of products & services from LMW (machinery, parts & components, enhancement kit etc.) supports the concept of sustainability and circularity. LMW is the trendsetter in recycled fiber processing with brand LMW RESPIN, with over 100 successful installations worldwide.

Focused on improving productivity, quality, maintenance & user friendliness and reducing dependence on skilled manpower, LMW offers several automation solutions such as:

  • Card with drafting system (CDS)
  • Yarn Breakage Sensor (YBS)
  • Roving Stop Motion (RSM)
  • Roving Transportation System (RTS)
  • Lap Transportation System (LTS)
  • Ring Frame Auto Piecer (RAP)
  • Spinconnect

What was the highlight of LMW TWD’s Stall at ITM 2024?

LMW showcased its Smart Series machines in ITM 2024 at Turkey. Products at display were Card LC363 S, Comber LK69 and Ring frame Auto Piecer (RAP). We introduced the Ring frame Auto Piecer (RAP) to the Turkish market through this expo. RAP is a fully automated yarn piecing system that reduces reliance on skilled labour by auto piecing the yarn, boosting productivity, and maintaining yarn quality. It is like “As Human Piecing”. Manpower requirements are reduced to a tune of up to 60 per cent based on the application and process. The system works efficiently with both normal ring spinning and compact spinning.

What are your growth plans for LMW TMD in the next couple of years?

As said, at LMW, innovation and value creation is a journey and not a destination. New products are designed and launched periodically as per the requirements of the customers and market demands. Lakshmi Auto Winder LAW60 and other technology will be launched in near future.