Added value with Retech Godet
The Swiss company Retech’s attention turned always to optimise heating and motor capacity in order to save energy. The whole power of new innovation leads to fulfill this credo and therefore to the optimised godet. To define the right and best suited godet a close collaboration between customer and equipment designer is very important. There is no such thing as an ‘off the shelf’ godet.
The Swiss company Retech’s attention turned always to optimise heating and motor capacity in order to save energy. The whole power of new innovation leads to fulfill this credo and therefore to the optimised godet. To define the right and best suited godet a close collaboration between customer and equipment designer is very important. There is no such thing as an ‘off the shelf’ godet.
Based on the permanent synchronous magnet motor (PSM), there are three main sizes of motor (size 80 / 90 / 112), which are available in different performance classes according to the application and process. For these three types of motor there are different roll sizes: Ø 100 + 127 mm for the small class of motor BG 80, Ø 160 mm for the middle class BG 90 and Ø 190 mm or 220 mm for the motors with BG 112 . In addition to these there are different roll diameters in various lengths, equally coordinated with the process and the customers’ requirements.
The type of heating can be decided only after definition of the heated godet roll size, which is determined by specific customer process data such as the material to be processed, yarn count, number of threads and wraps, process speeds and temperatures, draw forces + yarn properties. Heated godet rolls with dimensions described above are heated by induction in most cases. Whether as a single zone or multi-zone induction heating should be is a decision made together with the customer on the basis of the process requirements. When a multi-zone godet roll is selected, the temperature signal is transmitted and processed by means of the Retech temperature transmitter (UTR). If the decision falls in favour of single zone heating, the customer has the choice of recording the temperature by means of a rotating PT100 and transmitter (UTR) or by means of a fixed PT100 whereby the temperature is detected in the air gap of the rotating roll. The effective requirements of the customer and of the process are agreed jointly. A further point is the determination of the mounting flange (interface with the machine face). In this case interesting possibilities are available in order to offer to the customer a multi-functional flange, which can be applied either as a fixed unit or as a swiveling version to enable the angle to be adjusted.
Alternatively heated godet rolls are also available with their own bearings building on the modular concept already mentioned. This can be used for a very low speed application, which also allows a gear reducer and servomotor combination to be inserted if required. They are of interest also to customers who want to use them in conjunction with a belt drive and thereby to drive several heated godet rolls centrally.
As the “icing on the cake†there is in addition the application of a liquid cooled godet roll controlled to the correct temperature, which can be an alternative solution to active heating for certain processes. Here also the company relies on the proven modular concept of heated godet rolls with dimensions described above. By means of this individual modular system it can offer to the customer a ‘made to measure’ technical as well as a commercial solution and thereby achieve and present the sought after added value. This is in the knowledge that often the financial limitations influence the technical execution. Together with its customers Retech works out an added value for the specific requirement by means of the detailed described procedure. This means in concrete terms that its customers are not obliged to apply a standard catalogue product just because it belongs to the current range.
No, the customers receive a product exactly tailored to their needs and which is tuned optimally, especially in the range of performance and energy. The accurate calculation of the necessary energy for heating and motor is made and by this means the total electrics can be optimised. The size of the correct frequency inverter is calculated also so that further savings in investment are achieved, but above all managed in the daily operation.
This arrangement allows Retech to generate ideal solutions for the machine manufacturer. On the other hand it offers it the basis for cooperation with the end user (yarn producer and research centres). Retech is able to take on further tasks today based on the described modular heated godet rolls system. Whereas it is mainly the “handing over†of the temperature signal that is the commonly defined interface in the case of a machine manufacturer, the end user wishes usually the complete regulation of the draw section.
And here is the second focus for Retech’s development team: A simple, flexible platform in order to reproduce the different heated godet rolls, heaters and types of transmission with a basic software. Today Retech possesses diverse pre-configured modules, which can be put together in different ways depending on the project and plant specification. As an example there is an ultra-flexible research draw unit, which consists of heated godet rolls with either rotating and multi-zone temperature sensors or of heated godet rolls with stationary sensors.
Thanks to following the market with products and components, which can be adapted simply and quickly to the respective requirements, Retech’s customers are able to enjoy work without problems. When required the company even hands over individual software modules to the customer, so that in time they can extend further the plant and can adapt to their changing needs. These more or less unique possibilities are available thanks to the well known tools, which are accepted widely today on the global market. So the customers also have in effect specialists at their disposal, in order to implement any further steps together.
Retech’s components and installations are important links within the textile added value chain. As the market leader, Retech possesses extensive knowhow in design and construction of heating and drawing elements in order to provide high technology installations with excellent customer service. The development of innovative, efficient and high quality draw machines adapted to the customer’s specification, as well as their conversion and upgrading are additional and vital topics. Integration of new technologies has become essential in order to achieve sustainability in many respects including environmental protection and energy usage in combination with maintenance cost reduction and user-friendly operation.
Whatever the customers need, whether process components for technical yarn, for sports wear and medical applications as well as for automotive or tyre cord, these are all part of the creativity of the Swiss manufacturer Retech in each specific field.
At Retech, the entire effort is always focused on delivering customer benefits and keeping a close contact to the clients.