A denim project worth a billion for East

A denim project worth a billion for East

To draw attention to textile investments in Eastern Anatolia region, project named ôNew Manufacturing Zone of 21st Century in Textile, Production Field That is Human and Environmentally Responsibleö began on December 18.


To draw attention to textile investments in Eastern Anatolia region, project named "New Manufacturing Zone of 21st Century in Textile, Production Field That is Human and Environmentally Responsible" began on December 18. Within the project which started with the support of Ministries responsible for Economy and Development and Sehat Development Agency (SERKA) as well as FG Group, Eastern Anatolia Region will be brought into the worlds new denim base. Municipality of Amsterdam that has a Euro 5 billion of share from the Euro 55 billion denim market is also project partner. Under the project, denim production fields will be created in Agri, Igdir, Kars and Ardahan.