A.T.E. launches automation division to help mills upgrade
Textile mills continuously seek to automate their processes and upgrade their machine and process controls so as to produce with better quality and lower costs. In some cases, they accomplish their goals through the purchase of new equipment, or through machinery overhauls with new parts.
a tailor-made approach – as the mills have machines
that are in generally good mechanical condition, but
need new kinds of control, or add-on systems for automation. Such customised projects in textile mills require to be executed by reliable partners with in-depth textile knowledge. As a direct response to customers’ requests that A.T.E. help them improve the performance of their installed machines, A.T.E. has launched an Automation division under its TEG (Textile Engineering Group) business unit.
A.T.E., endowed with deep domain knowledge
in textile engineering and textile processes, has built-up
a team of experts to undertake automation and upgrade projects. Machines are upgraded using modern retrofits and the latest software, resulting in significant improvement in the performance of these machines,
both in terms of productivity and quality.
A.T.E. can undertake machine upgrade/automation
of the following range of textile machines:
- Weaving preparatory: Sizing and warping machines
- Processing: Stenter/merceriser/dyeing ranges/pad dry/pad steam, etc.
- Denim: Denim processing lines
- Synthetics: POY/FDY winders, extruders, PSF lines, bale press, chip conveying and drying
the Automation division has also in its portfolio some productised solutions, such as a fancy yarn system – Fancy Spin – to add value to yarn, which would help
mills realise higher value for their yarn.
Another such productised system is the pre-redu ced indigo dosing systems for denim manufacturing (bulk
as well as portable). These dosing systems help in maintaining consistent quality without any shade variation along millions of meters of denim produced
and also help in reducing the load on the wastewater treatment plant.
“We have a team of experts with long experience in executing such projects smoothly. Customers can count on us for excellent support at all times of the project execution, and also post executionâ€, said Vikas Banduke, Vice President – Automation, who is responsible for this new business at A.T.E.
CATEGORIES Allied Equipment and Accessories