Premium Textile Components @ Texfair

Premium Textile Components @ Texfair

With an impressive appearance at the Texfair 2013, the four companies Bräcker, Graf, Novibra and Suessen (of Premium Textile Components-PTC) exhibited their premium products to the numerous visitors.


With an impressive appearance at the Texfair 2013, the four companies Bräcker, Graf, Novibra and Suessen (of Premium Textile Components-PTC) exhibited their premium products to the numerous visitors.

Bräcker presented in amazing 3D animation movie about the RAPID inserting tool in addition to Bräcker?s traveller AP system, which was received by numerous visitors with great interest. RAPID inserting tools allow spinning mills to change travellers very quickly and efficiently.

Graf, the leading manufacturer of card clothing and combing components displayed the large available range of shapes and surfaces through a microscope connected on a flat screen. The visitors were impressed to have a close look at these details. Additionally, Graf displayed their new range of wires, camel and hipro, as models on the respective showcase.

Novibra, the leader in spindle technology and the only 100 per cent in-house spindle maker presented their wide range of spindles, which has been developed to meet all requirements of yarn producers and spinning machine manufacturers worldwide.

The new Novibra clamping crown CROCOdoff, which enables perfect doffing without underwinding, was shown to the various interested visitors with its improved "CROCO teeth" design further evolve well proven solution of clamping the yarn.

Suessen demonstrated their position as the market leader in Compact Ring Spinning and OE Rotor Spinning Technology. They exhibited their best-selling EliTe®Compact Spinning System and the HP-GX Top Weighting Arm family for ring spinning and roving machines. Also the Premium Parts for Autocoro rotor spinning machines attracted a lot of visitors which lead them to have a closer look at the displayed exhibits in the showcase.

Through the competent performance of the sales team and the comprehensive display of premium products, the visitors were able to see and experience the difference of the premium products from Bräcker, Graf, Novibra and Suessen.