User-friendly & reliable LCESY
To make sure you get the best, the Caipo & Lakshmi Caipo Research & Development Centre has consolidated suggestions from a wide market of demanding clients from more than 50 different nations.
To make sure you get the best, the Caipo & Lakshmi Caipo Research & Development Centre has consolidated suggestions from a wide market of demanding clients from more than 50 different nations. True to their research, and coupled with cutting edge performance hardware, LCESY stands today as a market oriented device: Reliable, innovative & user-friendly.
A revolutionary instrument with unique and personalised specifications, Lakshmi Caipo Industries Limited raises the bar in slub yarn production like no other. So that you can always stay ahead of your competition.
LCESY is more than just a slub yarn attachment. It can be used with any kind of ring or open end spinning machine, new or old. And it is composed of the following essential parts:
The User Interface (UI) is different from the spinning machine control box (machine interface). Its equipped with a large touch screen for easy programming. Each UI can control up to 8 spinning or open-end machines. The program is so efficient that it cannot be copied by any system without the source program. This makes the program 100 per cent secure.
The Spinning Machine Control Box (MI): This box contains digital drives for interfacing. Each control panel can manage up to 2 spinning or open-end machines, depending on the specific configuration. The Lakshmi Caipo Smart Slub Evaluation: (LCESSV) software creates spinning programs with the innovative new object based vector programming.
Achieve more with less: The slub parameters help you to take control of your spinning process.
Slub thickness: 1.00 to 9.00 in steps of 0.01.
- Negative slub: 0.10 to 1.00 in steps of 0.01.
- Acceleration of slub from 2 to 999 mm.
- Deceleration of slub from 2 to 999 mm.
- 2,500 different slubs can be used in one program.
For further information:
Lakshmi Caipo Industries Limited
Sulur Railway Feeder Road,
Kurumbapalayam, Muthugoundenpudur,
Coimbatore-641 406.
Tel: 91 422 2205000. Fax: 91 422 2205010.
Email: info@lrtltd.com. Web: www.lrtindia.com/lci.