Unique effect of Polysistec finishes

Unique effect of Polysistec finishes

Polysistec SL, Spain has presented different types of finishes using pigments that glow in the dark when loaded with any light source.

Polysistec SL, Spain has presented different types of finishes using pigments that glow in the dark when loaded with any light source. These pigments called photoluminescent have a determined duration which according to their loading time can get to shine more than 10 hours in a row.
Very striking effects can be achieved when applied to fabrics for the manufacture of informal clothing. These non-toxic formaldehyde-free pigments are simultaneously applicable with the polyurethane binder PURLASTIC-8160 NEO or the acrylic binder POLYACRIL-61 ECO.
Finishes with hidden effects that appear when the fabric contacts the water. These effects can be achieved with the application of POLYCOAT-EFF through the conventional stamping method as well as with the use of hydrochromic pigments that change colour once the fabric contacts with the water.
For details, visit: www.polysistec.com