Trevira to exhibit sustainable innovations at Techtextil 2019
Trevira GmbH, the specialist for functional fibres and yarns, will be exhibiting its products for a wide range of technologies and applications in the area of technical and functional textiles at Techtextil 2019 in India.
Trevira GmbH, the specialist for functional fibres and yarns, will be exhibiting its products for a wide range of technologies and applications in the area of technical and functional textiles at Techtextil 2019 in India. Trevira will appear at Techtextil 2019 together with other exhibitors owned by parent company Indorama Ventures. Sustainability will play a key part in Trevira’s display and across the entire Indorama joint fair booth, which will reveal a number of new developments.
Trevira GmbH has worked with its customers to develop a variety of new products based on biopolymers, currently a huge topic for sustainable textiles.
One sustainable product to be viewed at the fair will be a pillow by our Portuguese customer Carlos Manuel Salgado Costa, Ltd. (Analar®). The filling for the pillow consists of 95 per cent biopolymer PLA. PLA fibres from sustainable raw materials offer a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based fibres, and PLA is recyclable and 100 per cent biodegradable with industrial composting. Because of its sustainability, this pillow has qualified for our Sinfineco brand, only awarded to sustainable Trevira products.
AEROPOWDER, a start-up company based in London, has launched a new sustainable product, pluumo– a biodegradable, innovative packaging material that harnesses the power of feathers. Feathers have naturally insulating properties, and to find a fibre that would help realise their design idea, AEROPOWDER turned to Trevira GmbH. We developed special binding fibres – bicomponent fibres consisting of two different biopolymers. This productive collaboration between Trevira and AEROPOWDER has resulted in the creation of a completely biodegradable insulating material.
Trevira’s PLA fibres can also help meet the needs of the food industry. Together with our customers, we have already obtained ISEGA certification for selected products. Trevira offers not only PLA staple fibres, but also PLA filament yarns. Some examples of products made from this sustainable material are knitted massage gloves by Italian firm MDD di Maddaleno Massimiliano; an interior lining fabric that protects against the sun, by Spanish company Vertisol; and a woven 100 per cent PLA fabric by French firm Chamatex.
Like the use of biopolymers, recycling plays a key role in Trevira’s policies. We offer filament yarnson the basis of recycled PET bottles. For these filament yarns the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification has been requested. Filament yarns from recycled PET bottles are available at Trevira as raw white and spun-dyed flat and textured yarns in various colours and yarn counts.
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