Total water cycle management with EcoAxis

Total water cycle management with EcoAxis

In the water and wastewater treatment industry there is a constant demand on water suppliers, OEMs, O&M operators, and users to maximise output (both in terms of quantity and quality), maintain process parameters at an optimum level, achieve high availability, and to maximise plant life while reducing operating costs such as manpower, consumables, and energy.


In the water and wastewater treatment industry there is a constant demand on water suppliers, OEMs, O&M operators, and users to maximise output (both in terms of quantity and quality), maintain process parameters at an optimum level, achieve high availability, and to maximise plant life while reducing operating costs such as manpower, consumables, and energy. This necessitates continuous and proactive management of operation and maintenance of the plant. High-tech plants in geographically distributed locations only compound the challenges. The operation and maintenance of ZLD (zero liquid discharge) plants require careful attention.

How does one address these challenges?

A key approach is continuous online monitoring of plant performance and taking timely corrective action in case of any deviation in plant performance or resource consumption from the set parameters. EcoAxis, a business unit of A.T.E., has a specific focus on water and provides a system of continuous monitoring that can integrate plant operations, consumables management, and maintenance practices to enable data-driven decision making. The system provides real time and accurate information on anytime, anywhere and any device (laptops, mobile phone or tablets). This leads to saving and also improved life and performance of the plant.

Solution architecture
The EcoAxis solution involves:

  • M2M based system of data acquisition (since manual logging of such data is humanly impossible)
  • Transfer and storage of such data on the cloud in a data historian
  • Automated analytics delivering reports, alerts & KPIs


  • This enables various stakeholders (plant owners, OEMs, O&M service providers) manage their complex treatment systems well – getting high reliability, efficiency and at low operating costs
  • Seek support of experts by providing data to them for trouble shooting without necessitating site visits
  • Data is conveniently provided on any device, anytime, anywhere basis

Track record
EcoAxis solution has been implemented in a number of applications including water and wastewater plants for municipal and industrial processes, effluent treatment, sewage treatment, chillers, cooling towers and boilers. SUPERAxis tracks critical parameters of water and wastewater treatment plant such as pH, conductivity, ORP, flow, pressure, pump run-hours, stoppages, chemical consumption, etc. Monitoring of performance and maintenance on a minute-by-minute (or even second-by-second) basis, followed by managing the operation of the plant through advanced supervision and diagnostic tools helps reducing plant operation and maintenance cost. Over 4 trillion data points have been logged and analysed so far!