Perfect Equipment’s to streamline textile recycling process in automatic way

Perfect Equipment’s to streamline textile recycling process in automatic way


Perfect Group, headquartered in Ahmedabad, has been a stalwart presence in the textile industry for over 45 years, consistently delivering top-notch machinery and service Equipments for spun yarn spinning industry & non-woven industries to cater to various aspects of the textile manufacturing process. B Sankar, General Manager – Marketing, Perfect Equipments, addresses key challenges and growth plans for FY24.

Kindly brief us about your company.

Our diverse product range and manufacturing capabilities have earned us a reputation for innovation, reliability, and quality. Our product offerings encompass a wide spectrum of machines and equipment designed to address the multifaceted needs of the textile industry:

Modern blow room, opening & blending lines for non-woven: We specialise in supplying state-of-the-art blow room, Opening & Blending lines for processing cotton and synthetic fibres. These lines are engineered to efficiently blend different types of materials, ensuring optimal output quality.

Carding solutions: Our range includes cutting-edge carding machines, such as high-production carding machines, Rengen cards, double doffer cards, and equipment tailored for surgical cotton and non-woven applications. These machines play a critical role in transforming raw fibres into consistent and high-quality yarns & non-woven.

Textile waste recycling lines: We offer solutions for recycling and processing waste materials, including hard waste fabric, yarn waste, and dropping cotton waste. Our textile waste recycling lines contribute to sustainability by minimising waste and maximising resource utilisation.

OHTC & Specialised Machines: We have collaborated with Magitex s.r.l. in Italy to bring advanced machinery, such as OHTC (Overhead Traveling Cleaners), and other specialised equipment that enhance manufacturing efficiency and product quality.

Maintenance machinery: We also provide maintenance machines for card rooms and roll shops. These machines are essential for keeping the spinning processes running smoothly, ensuring consistent performance and reducing downtime.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our manufacturing processes. We employ cutting-edge technologies such as laser cutting, sheet metal bending, and CNC machines to craft our machinery with precision. Recently, we have expanded our manufacturing capabilities with the addition of some latest CNC machines, Laser Cutting, powder coating, CMM, Design Benchs, etc., further enhancing our production capacity. This expansion is in line with our dedication to meet the growing demands of the industry and provide rapid response times to our clients’ needs.

We take immense pride in serving a diverse range of end-user industries, including textile manufacturers, garment producers, and non-woven material manufacturers. Our products are designed to meet the demands of these industries, helping them achieve operational efficiency, consistent product quality, and sustainable production practices.
As we continue to evolve and adapt to the dynamic textile landscape, Perfect Group remains committed to pushing boundaries, embracing innovation, and contributing to the advancement of the textile industry.

How was your performance in FY23? What were the key challenges in FY23? How did you manage to grow in spite of the challenges? What were your standout achievements in FY23?

In the fiscal year 2023, our performance demonstrated significant growth and success. However, it was not without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles we faced was effectively managing the increasing demand for our products while ensuring a seamless supply chain. To tackle this challenge head-on, we embarked on an expansion initiative. We invested in expanding our workspace and acquiring additional machinery for our workshops. This strategic move allowed us to keep up with the rising demand and ensure timely delivery of our machinery.

A notable trend in FY23 was the industry’s growing emphasis on sustainability, particularly in terms of recycling and circularity. We recognised this shift and positioned ourselves accordingly. This strategic alignment paid off as we received exceptional responses from various sectors of the user industry. Our standout achievement was our ability to obtain longer fibres with significantly reduced short fibre content from post-consumer waste fabrics. Moreover, our innovative approach enabled us to minimise leftover yarn ends, thereby enabling the utilisation of the recycled fibres in ring spinning processes. This not only contributed to sustainability but also added considerable value to both pre and post-consumer textile waste.

Leveraging our extensive experience of over 15 years in textile waste recycling, we managed to capitalise on this momentum effectively. The continuous evolution of our techniques, particularly the integration of an Automatic Cot Grinding machine, garnered significant attention from spinners and industry experts alike. We also streamlining the textile recycling process in Automatic way to enhance the quality of the recycled end products.

In summary, despite the challenges posed by the demand-supply balance and the industry’s evolving landscape, our performance in FY23 was commendable. Our strategic expansion efforts, alignment with sustainable trends, and innovative recycling techniques were key drivers of our success. We look forward to building upon this momentum and achieving even greater heights in the upcoming fiscal years.

What is your current assessment of India’s textile industry?

The current state of India’s textile industry is marked by its global expansion and increasing recognition of its textile engineering manufacturers by developed countries. This presents significant growth opportunities, particularly as the industry rebounds after the challenges posed by the post-coronavirus period. One of the prominent trends shaping the industry is the emphasis on sustainability, recycling, and circularity in textile production.

The challenges facing the industry include the need to adapt to rapidly changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and global market dynamics. Additionally, the industry must navigate supply chain disruptions and cost fluctuations in raw materials.

Within the Indian textile industry, several sub-segments are exhibiting promising growth potential. These include:

Textile recycling: As sustainability gains prominence, the demand for recycling waste textiles and converting them into usable fibres has increased. This segment offers opportunities for innovative recycling processes and technologies.

Technical textiles: This segment involves textiles used for specific functional purposes, such as medical textiles, protective clothing, geotextiles, and automotive textiles. The demand for these specialised textiles is on the rise due to their wide applications across industries.

Home textiles: The home textiles sector encompasses products like bed linens, curtains, and upholstery fabrics. With changing lifestyles and a growing focus on home decor, this segment is experiencing steady growth.

Apparel and fashion textiles: Despite challenges, the apparel sector remains a key driver of the industry. Innovations in design, fabric technology, and sustainable practices are influencing this segment’s growth. Key end-user industries that are driving demand within the Indian textile industry include:

Apparel and fashion: The fashion industry remains a major consumer of textiles, driving demand for a wide range of fabrics and materials.
Automotive: Technical textiles are finding applications in the automotive sector for interior fabrics, upholstery, and components like airbags and seat belts.
Healthcare and medical: Technical textiles are also playing a crucial role in healthcare, with applications in medical textiles, hygiene products, and surgical materials.
Home furnishings: The increased focus on home aesthetics and interior design is fueling demand for textiles used in home furnishings.
Infrastructure and construction: Geotextiles and construction textiles are being used for various infrastructure projects, contributing to the demand in this sector.
In conclusion, India’s textile industry is at an exciting juncture, poised for growth and transformation. The emphasis on sustainability, recycling, and specialised textiles is opening up new avenues for innovation and expansion. As the industry continues to adapt to changing trends and consumer demands, it has the potential to further strengthen its global presence and contribute significantly to the country’s economy

What is the global standing of the Indian textile industry (and/or textile engineering industry)? How can India become more competitive globally?

The global standing of the Indian textile industry has gained prominence, particularly in the aftermath of the global setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and various geopolitical conflicts. The industry has showcased its resilience and adaptability during these challenging times. The disruptions in supply chains and economic uncertainties have led many countries, including economically strong ones, to seek more cost-effective and reliable technological solutions. This presents a significant opportunity for Indian textile engineering manufacturers to demonstrate their value proposition.

To enhance India’s competitiveness on the global stage, several strategies can be considered:
Investment in Research and Development (R&D):
Focusing on continuous innovation and R&D efforts can help Indian textile engineering manufacturers develop cutting-edge technologies that meet global standards. This can lead to the creation of unique and advanced solutions that address industry challenges.

Quality assurance and standards: Maintaining a high level of quality across products and services is crucial for building a reputation for reliability. Adhering to international standards and certifications can boost confidence among global customers.

Skill development and training: Developing a skilled workforce is essential for delivering top-notch products and services. Investment in skill development and training programs can ensure that the industry has the expertise to compete on a global level.

Sustainable Practices: As sustainability becomes a key focus globally, incorporating eco-friendly practices in production, waste management, and energy consumption can make Indian textile engineering manufacturers more attractive to environmentally conscious customers.

Customisation and flexibility: Offering tailored solutions to cater to the specific needs of global customers can provide a competitive edge. Flexibility in product customisation and adapting to changing market demands can enhance India’s position.

Strong after-sales support: Providing excellent after-sales service and technical support can differentiate Indian manufacturers from their competitors. This can foster trust and long-term relationships with global clients.

Global partnerships and collaborations: Collaborating with international partners, research institutions, and industry associations can facilitate knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and access to global markets.

Digital transformation: Embracing digital technologies, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and automation, can improve operational efficiency, product quality, and customer engagement.

Market diversification: Exploring emerging markets and diversifying the export destinations can reduce dependence on a single market and create more opportunities for growth.

Government support: Continued support from the government in terms of policy frameworks, incentives, and infrastructure development can further enhance the competitiveness of the Indian textile engineering industry.

In conclusion, India’s textile engineering industry has the potential to become more competitive globally by focusing on innovation, quality, sustainability, skilled workforce development, and strong customer relationships. Leveraging these factors and adapting to changing market dynamics can position India as a significant player in the global textile engineering landscape.

Are the government policies to boost the industry’s growth working on the ground? What else should the government do to propel growth?

The current government policies aimed at boosting the growth of the textile engineering industry may not be substantial enough to fully address the industry’s needs. While there may be some policies in place, more comprehensive measures are required to effectively propel growth. One specific area of concern is the lack of incentives and subsidies for machinery used in textile waste recycling, which holds significant potential for both economic and environmental benefits.

To further propel the growth of the textile engineering industry, the government could consider the following measures:
Incentives for innovation:
Introduce incentives and grants specifically for research, development, and innovation in textile engineering. Encouraging the development of advanced technologies and solutions can enhance the industry’s global competitiveness.

Subsidies for sustainable practices: Offer subsidies or financial support for companies that adopt sustainable practices, such as recycling and waste reduction. This can incentivise more manufacturers to invest in environmentally friendly processes.

Technology Upgradation Fund: Establish a fund dedicated to supporting technology upgradation and modernisation of machinery in the textile engineering sector. This can facilitate the adoption of state-of-the-art equipment and boost productivity.

Skill development programs: Collaborate with industry associations and institutions to develop skill enhancement programs tailored to the needs of the textile engineering sector. A skilled workforce is essential for driving growth and innovation.

Export promotion: Implement measures to promote exports of textile engineering products. This could include facilitating trade agreements, reducing export barriers, and participating in international exhibitions and trade shows.

Infrastructure development for textile engineering industries: Invest in infrastructure development, including research centers, testing laboratories, and manufacturing hubs, to create a supportive ecosystem for the industry.

Regulatory reforms: Review and streamline regulatory processes to make it easier for manufacturers to start and operate businesses. Reducing bureaucratic hurdles can encourage more investments.

Financial support: Offer financial assistance in the form of low-interest loans or grants for setting up new manufacturing units, expanding capacities, and adopting advanced technologies.
Industry-academia collaboration: Foster collaboration between academia and industry to ensure that research and development efforts align with the industry’s needs. This can lead to more relevant and impactful innovations.

Promotion of circular economy: Develop policies that promote a circular economy approach, encouraging companies to focus on sustainable practices, recycling, and waste reduction.

Market access and trade policies: Negotiate favorable trade agreements and provide easier market access to international markets for textile engineering products. This can help expand the industry’s reach and global presence.

Public-private partnerships: Facilitate partnerships between the government, private sector, and industry associations to collectively drive growth and address industry challenges.

In summary, while some government policies may be in place, there is a need for more targeted and comprehensive measures to stimulate growth in the textile engineering industry. Incentives for machinery used in textile waste recycling, along with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and skill development, can contribute significantly to the industry’s progress.

What kinds of trends are you seeing in the market at present? How is your company gearing up to tap these trends?

Currently, the market trends in the spinning industry are characterised by a strong emphasis on automation and highly productive machinery. One of our standout offerings that aligns perfectly with this trend is the Automatic Cot Grinding Machine (ACG600). With its incorporation of more than 11 international patents, this innovative machine has garnered significant attention and appreciation from the user industry. The demand for automation and efficiency-enhancing equipment like ACG600 reflects the industry’s desire to optimise processes and increase productivity.
In addition to automation, there is a noticeable demand for technical textiles, especially in sectors like hygiene. The global focus on health and hygiene has spurred the demand for specialised textiles used in various applications, such as medical textiles, personal protective equipment (PPE), and hygiene products. This presents a valuable opportunity for growth and expansion.
Our company is proactively gearing up to tap into these market trends:

Innovation and automation: We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of innovation by developing and offering cutting-edge automation solutions for the spinning industry. Our Automatic Cot Grinding Machine is a prime example of this commitment.

Technical textile focus: Recognising the demand for technical textiles, we have focused on developing solutions that cater to this segment. Our expertise in textile waste recycling, coupled with the growing demand for hygiene textiles, has led us to embark on projects aimed at producing specialised textiles for hygiene applications.

Customer-centric approach: We prioritise understanding the unique needs of our customers and tailoring our solutions to address those needs effectively. By offering customised machinery and solutions, we aim to provide the best possible value to our clients.

Quality and reliability: We are committed to maintaining the highest levels of quality and reliability in our products. This approach ensures that our machinery meets and exceeds industry standards, which is essential in the competitive textile engineering landscape.
Market analysis and research: We continuously monitor market trends, industry developments, and customer preferences. This allows us to stay agile and responsive to changing demands and to make informed decisions regarding our product offerings.

Collaborations and partnerships: Collaborating with industry partners, research institutions, and associations enables us to access expertise, insights, and resources that contribute to our ability to meet market demands effectively.

Sustainability and circular economy: As sustainability gains prominence, we are dedicated to developing solutions that align with circular economy principles. Our efforts in textile waste recycling and the production of specialty textiles contribute to this goal.

In conclusion, our company is actively aligning itself with the prevailing market trends of automation, technical textiles, and sustainability. By focusing on innovation, customisation, and quality, we are well-positioned to cater to the evolving needs of the spinning industry and the broader textile engineering landscape.

What are your expectations & growth plans for FY24?

In the financial year 2024, we have set ambitious expectations and growth plans to capitalise on the evolving market dynamics and trends. Our strategic initiatives for FY24 include:

Recycling technical textile focus: With the increasing demand for recycling and hygiene textiles, we anticipate an overwhelming response to our automated service equipment. We are geared up to provide efficient solutions to the industry’s needs for specialised textiles.

Capacity expansion and infrastructure enhancement: We have expanded our workspace and invested in state-of-the-art workshop machineries to accommodate the anticipated growth in demand. This capacity expansion positions us to meet the market requirements effectively.

Sales targets and growth strategy: We are setting aggressive sales targets for FY24, aiming for a significant increase in sales figures. Our growth strategy focuses on catering to the demand for automation, technical textiles, and sustainable solutions.

Global expansion and exports: We plan to leverage platforms like ITMA 2023 to expand our presence in the European and American markets. Export growth is a key element of our strategy, and we aim to establish strong relationships with international clients.

Innovative product launches: As part of our commitment to innovation, we have plans to launch new products that address emerging industry needs and trends. These launches will showcase our dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Product diversification: In addition to our current offerings, we are exploring opportunities for diversification into related products and services that complement our existing portfolio. This diversification can contribute to a more comprehensive customer solution.

Sustainability initiatives: Continuing our commitment to sustainability, we plan to further enhance our efforts in textile waste recycling and circular economy practices. This aligns with both industry demands and global environmental concerns.

Customer-centric approach: We will continue to focus on understanding our customers’ requirements and providing tailored solutions. Building strong relationships with our clients is integral to our growth strategy.

Partnerships and alliances: Collaborations with industry partners, research institutions, and trade associations will remain a priority. These partnerships provide valuable insights, resources, and access to new markets.

Marketing and branding: We plan to invest in effective marketing strategies and branding initiatives to enhance our visibility and position as a trusted and innovative player in the industry.

Skill development: As the industry evolves, so does the need for a skilled workforce. We will continue to invest in skill development programs to ensure that our team is equipped to meet the demands of the future.

In summary, our expectations for FY24 include substantial growth in sales, capacity expansion, strategic global penetration, innovative product launches, and a strong focus on sustainability. By aligning our plans with industry trends and customer needs, we are confident in our ability to achieve our growth targets and solidify our position in the textile engineering landscape