MAGnificient 30 Years Journey….1991 to 2021

MAGnificient 30 Years Journey….1991 to 2021

To mark this occasion of 30th Anniversary, MAG is planning to launch a truly innovative product soon to delight the customers further.


MAG Solvics Private Limited is celebrating 30 successful years in the field of textile testing instruments and online monitoring system. Commitment towards quality of products and servicesto customers are the MAG’s strongest driving forces which result in sustaining in the competitive field over 3 decades.

The vision of MAG is to deliver happiness through innovative solutions to customers. Innovation and continuous improvement are the two key mantras which made MAG as one of the known brand icon in the textile industry and particularly at testing instrument field and online monitoring system.

MAG Solvics has around 8000+ installations with a strong base of 3000+ satisfied customers from 15+ countries and keep attracting more customers in its fold by supplying quality products.

Uniqueness of MAG is having 72 distinct testing instruments for entire textile value chain such as ginning, spinning, weaving, knitting, processing, apparels and garments with 130+ models of instruments to cater the exact needs of the end users which will be value for money without compromising quality.

On the occasion of the 30th year anniversary, MAG sincerely thanks to all valued customers for having the trust on theirproducts and making the success in the path of journey. Also, MAG thanks to their channel partner and associates for their valued support rendered all along its journey.

To mark this occasion of 30th Anniversary, MAG is planning to launch a truly innovative product soon to delight the customers further.

Few of the present product range are:

  1. Fiber Testing – HVT Expert 1401
  2. Yarn Testing – UH Expert 2012
  3. Tensile Testing (Yarn) – TensoMaster
  4. Fabric Tensile Testing – UniStretch 500
  5. Process Testing – WashFast
  6. Online Spindle Monitoring System – SPinFo