Loepfe YarnMaster ZENIT PLUS

Loepfe YarnMaster ZENIT PLUS

Convincing facts: Constant quality guaranteed in the winding process, quick trend detection within production, easy-to-use, all settings at a glance, covers each and every application, online production monitoring with management cockpit, easy maintenance, and database for product and group settings.


Loepfe´s YarnMaster ZENIT PLUS is for winding purpose.

Convincing facts:
Constant quality guaranteed in the winding process, quick trend detection within production, easy-to-use, all settings at a glance, covers each and every application, online production monitoring with management cockpit, easy maintenance, and database for product and group settings.

Foreign fibre detection: Detection of colored foreign fibres in white and dyed yarn, dark and bright foreign matters, alarm functions, multi-coloured dark and bright foreign matter classes simultaneously usable, and for mélange yarn.

Polypropylene detection: Patented solution is worldwide unique in yarn clearing, eliminates also at highest speeds smallest and disturbly PP fibres, white PP fibres itself in white yarn, maximum clearing efficiency, setting aid simplifies achieving the optimal clearing limit.

User interface: Sensing heads with unique double digit information interface, central unit with extra large touchscreen, all important information at a glance, real time data, essential quality data and trends, quality, production and off-limit reports, maintenance tool, shift reports for the latest five shifts, save settings and transfer them easily to other machines, and detailed overview of reports can be transfered via USB or monitoring system.

No control samples!: Hairiness, nep content, yarn irregularities CV%, diametre fluctuations VCV with variably adjustable check length, diametre-related imperfections IPI, neps +200%, thick +50%, thin- 50%, IPI and off-limit alarm functions.