ERCA establishes Textile Chemical Solution as an independent company

ERCA establishes Textile Chemical Solution as an independent company


ERCA TCS will be able to grasp with an even more readiness customer needs and transform them in an engaging dialogue that will lead to truly pioneering developments.

ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions TCS comes to life as an independent company within the ERCA Group and completely dedicated to the textile industry.

The decision to make ERCA TCS a separate company stems from the desire to focus exclusively on solutions for the textile industry and to build an agile entity oriented towards responsible research and production, while continuing to leverage a solid productive and financial background from ERCA S.p.A.

Thanks to its agile company structure and to the enhancement of its research & development area, ERCA TCS will be able to grasp with an even more readiness customer needs and transform them in an engaging dialogue that will lead to truly pioneering developments, offering even more promptly innovative chemical solutions that adhere to the principles of ethical-social, environmental, and economic responsibility.

ERCA TCS aims to be the unique and innovative point of reference for textile companies in terms of products and services specifically designed for the needs of a sector that is currently facing challenges and opportunities related to sustainability and responsible production.

Fabio Locatelli, CEO, ERCA TCS and Associate of ERCA Group explained, “We established ERCA TCS with the goal of making it an international benchmark for sustainable innovation, thus contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact of the textile industry without ever giving up in performance and competitiveness.”

Locatelli continued, “The commitment to the well-being of people and the responsible use of the planet’s resources have always been in ERCA DNA, but having created a company expressly dedicated to the textile industry will allow us to focus on the research and development of products specifically designed to be increasingly innovative and sustainable. In the future, we would like to make ERCA TCS a platform capable of initiating education & training, sharing these innovations in a transparent and professional way. Something so necessary at times like these when communication is very loud but often the contents and their reliability are not verifiable. In summary, ERCA TCS will allow us to respond with responsible and high-quality productions to the green challenge that textile companies must face, and will act as a multiplier factor about good practices and about downstream conveyance of the values of our Group.”

ERCA TCS bases its activity on the principles of green chemistry to offer the textile industry chemical solutions that make concrete the concepts of safety, performance, and circularity. Its flagship product – REVECOL – is born from critical waste materials (used vegetable oils) and present in abundance, which through a process attentive to environmental compatibility and safety, are transformed into a line of innovative, certified, high-performance chemical auxiliaries usable by the entire textile industry. For its exceptional characteristics, REVECOL has met with immediate success in the textile industry, as demonstrated by the collaborations initiated with some of the most important companies in the sector. Now, thanks to the birth of ERCA TCS, targeted research and investments will allow for the further expansion of the range of products available for the textile industry.

ERCA Group has six plants in three macro-regions: Europe, Latin America, and Asia and produces chemical specialties and auxiliaries with an approach of responsible innovation. Its production covers several markets: textile, cosmetics, polyurethanes, concrete. It has a turnover of 150 million euros and employs 350 people worldwide, 100 of whom are in the sole Grassobbio plant.

ERCA GROUP has six plants in three macro-regions: Europe, Latin America, and Asia. The ERCA Group produces chemical specialties and auxiliaries with an approach of responsible innovation, and its production covers several markets: textile, cosmetics, polyurethanes, concrete. It has a turnover of 150 million euros and employs 350 people worldwide, 100 of whom are in the sole Grassobbio plant where REVECOL by ERCA TCS is produced.

ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions is an Italian company with a global reference in the supply of responsible chemical products for the textile industry. Thanks to the vision that leads to continuous investments in people, research, and development, ERCA TCS advances ethical and responsible circular innovation of the so-called Green Chemistry. Indeed, the proposals are applicable to a wide range of textile products, proving to be the missing element to achieve 360-degree in sustainability. ERCA TCS has the exclusive rights to the REVECOL brand, the revolutionary range of 100 per cent Made in Italy chemical auxiliaries produced thanks to an upcycling process and indeed a safe, certified, competitive, high-performance range designed for the entire textile industry. In November 2022 REVECOL per cent by TCS has won the Responsible Care Award from Federchimica , the Italian chemical federation . In 2023 ERCA TCS won the prestigious prize European Responsible Care Award by Cefic the European Council of Chemical industries.

REVECOL is an exclusive product and brand of ERCA TCS, an Italian company that is a global reference point in responsible chemical products for the textile industry. REVECOL by ERCA TCS is a revolutionary innovation 100 per cent Made in Italy that uses critical waste materials and transforms them into a complete line of next-generation chemical auxiliaries that are safe, certified, competitive, high-performance, and designed for the entire textile industry. A complete range of products usable on every type of fibre, both virgin and recycled. REVECOL products are certified GRS, RCS, ZDHC, bluesign, and GOTS.In November 2022 REVECOL® by TCS has won the Responsible Care® Award from Federchimica , the Italian chemical federation. It has been included in BAT (Best Available techniques ) from European Community. In 2023 ERCA TCS won the prestigious prize European Responsible Care Award by Cefic the European Council of Chemical industries

REVECOL by ERCA TCS is a partner of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy), the international eco-hub based in Milan since 2007, supporting a new generation of fashion where the fusion of design, innovation, communication, and responsibility shapes a conscious and competitive business capable of playing both an economic and social role. C.L.A.S.S. supports the entire supply chain to trigger CHANGE in the system by activating VALUES that speak clearly to the contemporary consumer. C.L.A.S.S. knows that PERFECTION is not important, but that every single step in the right direction counts.