CAI pegs its cotton pressing estimate for 2022-23 season at 318.90 lakh bales

CAI pegs its cotton pressing estimate for 2022-23 season at 318.90 lakh bales


The cotton imports for the season are estimated to be less by 2.50 lakh bales than estimated previously.

Cotton Association of India (CAI) has released its final estimate of cotton pressing numbers for the season 2022-23 beginning from October 1, 2022.  The CAI has estimated cotton pressing numbers for the 2022-23 season at 318.90 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 334.65 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) as against its previous estimate of 311.18 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 326.55 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).  Based on input received from the members of all the  cotton growing state associations and other trade sources, the CAI Crop Committee has at its meeting held on October 7, 2023, estimated this estimate of cotton pressing numbers for 2022-23 season and drew cotton balance sheet as on September 30, 2023.  The state-wise break-up of the cotton pressing numbers and balance sheet for the season with the corresponding data for the previous crop year are enclosed.

The total cotton supply till end of the cotton season 2022-23 i.e. upto September 30, 2023, estimated by the CAI Crop Committee is 355.40 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 372.95 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) which is more by 5.22 lakh bales than its previous estimates of 350.18 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 367.47 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each). The estimated total cotton supply consists of the opening stock of 24 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 25.19 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) at the beginning of the cotton season on October 1, 2022, cotton pressing numbers for the season estimated at 318.90 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 334.65 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) and the imports for the season estimated at 12.50 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 13.12 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).  The cotton imports for the season are estimated to be less by 2.50 lakh bales than estimated previously.

The CAI has retained its domestic consumption estimate at 311 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 326.36 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).  The exports for the season have been estimated at 15.50 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 16.27 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) as against 16 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 334.65 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) estimated previously.  The exports estimate for the previous cotton season 2021-22 was of 43 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 45.12 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).  The carry-over stock which was earlier estimated at 23.18 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 24.32 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) is now estimated to be higher at 28.90 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 30.33 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).

Highlights of deliberations held by the CAI crop committee on October 7, 2023

The Crop Committee of the Cotton Association of India (CAI) held its meeting on October 7, 2023, which was attended by 20 members representing various cotton growing regions of the country.  The Committee arrived at its final estimate of the cotton pressing numbers for 2022-23 season and drew the estimated cotton balance sheet based on the data available from various trade sources, upcountry associations and other stakeholders.

The following are the highlights of the deliberations held at this meeting: –


The CAI has estimated cotton consumption for the current crop year 2022-23 at 311.00 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 326.36 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) i.e. at the same level estimated previously.  The previous year’s consumption estimate was 318 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 333.70 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).

Cotton pressing

The CAI has increased its estimate of cotton pressing for 2022-23 season to 318.90 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 334.65 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) from its previous estimate of 311.18 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 326.55 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).  The changes made in the state-wise cotton pressing estimates compared to those estimated previously are given below: –      

                                                                              (in lakh bales of 170 kgs each)

StateIncrease (+)
Punjab          0.25
Lower Rajasthan0.50
Gujarat         2.41
Andhra Pradesh1.40
Tamil Nadu0.45


The estimate of cotton imports into India for 2022-23 season is estimated at 12.50 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 13.12 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) which is less by 1.50 lakh bales than the import estimated of 14 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 14.69 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) for the previous crop year 2021-22 and lower by 2.50 lakh bales than estimated for 2022-23crop year previously.


The Committee estimated its cotton exports for the current season at 15.50 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 16.27 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each) which is less by 0.50 lakh bales of 170 kgs each than estimated previously.  

The export estimated for the previous crop year 2021-22 were at 43 lakh bales of 170 kgs each i.e. 27.50 lakh bales higher compared to the export estimated for 2022-23 season. 

Closing stock as on September 30, 2023

Closing stock as on September 30, 2023 is estimated by the -Committee at 28.90 lakh bales of 170 kgs each (equivalent to 30.33 lakh running bales of 162 kgs each).
