8th ATEXCON 2014 on Sept 22 & 23 at Hotel Westin, Mumbai
The 8th Asian Textile Conference (Atexcon), being organised by The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) will be held on 22nd & 23rd September 2014 at Hotel Westin, Mumbai, India. The U.S. Foreign Commercial Service, Department of Commerce, USA is the supporter of the 8th ATEXCON.
The 8th Asian Textile Conference (Atexcon), being organised by The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) will be held on 22nd & 23rd September 2014 at Hotel Westin, Mumbai, India. The U.S. Foreign Commercial Service, Department of Commerce, USA is the supporter of the 8th ATEXCON.
The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) is the apex industry chamber of the textiles & clothing industry of India, representing the entire textile value chain from yarn to garments and home textiles as well as the textile machinery industry.
CITI has been organizing an annual event ?Asian Textile Conference (ATEXCON)? from 2005 onwards. ATEXCON brings together the lead players of Asian textile industry, global input suppliers and service providers to deliberate on key areas of business, like raw materials scenario, capacity building, innovations in technology, trade and business opportunities and other regional as well as global issues concerning this sector. The Conference also focuses on the emerging opportunities through cross country cooperation.
Speakers and participants are being invited from all countries involved in fibres, textiles, clothing, textile machinery and allied products. Around 400 leading textile and clothing manufacturers from India and abroad are expected to participate in the 8th ATEXCON.
Considering the importance, I would request you to join us at the 8th ATEXCON. In case you want to showcase your product/ services at the event or support the event as a sponsor kindly let us know. There is no participation fee to attend the Conference but participation will be regulated by invitations. Participation registration form and hotel room reservation form and other information regarding conference are available in the e-brochure of 8th ATEXCON.
Registration form duly filled may reach CITI on or before 21st September 2014 by fax or mail.