10% rise in exhibitors at VTG
VTG has attracted international exhibitors with 550 booths of 400 companies from over 17 countries and territories including Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong (China), German, Italy, New Zealand, Indonesia, Hungary, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, China and Vietnam.
Vietnam International Textile & Garment Industry Exhibition (VTG), the four-day event held recently at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, attracted international exhibitors with 550 booths of 400 companies from over 17 countries and territories including Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong (China), German, Italy, New Zealand, Indonesia, Hungary, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, China and Vietnam. Displayed products include sewing machine, knitting machine, printing machines on textile, dye, materials for garment and textiles.
As per the organisers, the number of participant enterprises increased by 10 per cent compared to last year. The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association said that though export of textile products has been facing difficulties and the sector might not reach its target of $28.5 to $29 billion, turnover still reached over US$23.3 billion in ten months, up 4.5 per cent compared to last year.
The exhibition was held by the National Trade Fair and Advertising Joint Stock Company (VINEXAD) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Chan Chao International Company, Yorkers Trade & Marketing service Company, Paper Communication Exhibition Service, 28 Corporation One Member Limited Liability company (AGTEK) and the Vietnam Cotton & Spinning Association (Vcosa).
CATEGORIES Industry Update
TAGS garment exhibitionGarment Industrytextile exhibitionTextile Industrytextile newsVietnam textile